What’s everyone’s favorite mount?

I really like hippogryphs in general. I’d love an updated model of my Zulian Tiger, even if it allows others to get it.

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Grand Expedition Yak

Never leave home without it.


Mount Everest, Mount Shasta, Mount Rushmore and Mount Fuji.

And also Voidtalon of the Dark Star.


My flying sparkly otter


It not for dragon riding, I’d only ever use the Raven Lord and Dread Raven. At least I’ll be able to do it again in the next expansion.


I’ll just repost from an older thread:


I’m a sucker for the TCG Turtle.


It will always be Arcanist’s Manasaber for me.

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The ones i have? Ground mount is prob the vile fiend. Just got it form the bmah for cheap
(Even with somone trying to snipe it at the end, even tho i was sitting by the bmah npc to make sure noone did, lol). Flyin is prob the love rocket or shackeled ur’zul

One i dont have is prob the undercity bat. I missed it by a week or so, being i had just joined back and missed doin the quest. I really hope they give us a shot at those old mounts again or a reskin

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Anything with bags on its rump, mostly.
I have most of the pack wolves from Draenor.
The terrified pack mule…something like that…is really nice.

as far as flying mounts, I swap them around so much I dont think I actually have a favorite. I find what fits each character, mostly.

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angy horde sounds

I really need to finish farming jelly on my alliance character… or just buy the needed jelly from the ah

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Magic Rooster. there is nothing scarier (or hilarious) than seeing a gnome riding into battle on one. :smiley:

Does it start with “your…” My mind went to the same place.

Anyways, I’m going with the five jewelry crafting panthers.


Spellbound Tome

Really the only mount I’m proud of in my collection (closing in on 700 total). Self only challenge mode is a true test of one’s skill.

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I couldn’t pick, I have a favorite mount for each character.

For Aiyako it’s the Fel Drake.

The greatest mount ever:

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I dont have that one but I do love the ottuks you buy from the tuskarr. four of them, I think.
Nice for Vulpera characters especially.

BC Netherwings, MoP Cloud Serpents, and wolf mounts.

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Monk class mount, Banlu

Right now is the very colorful peachick

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