What is even a downside of being night warrior

If it’s such a dark and forbidden ritual… Tyrande hasn’t changed a bit. You would think it’ll made you edgier, angrier or just insane. But Tyrande always been like she is now and nothing changed. And her story in BFA already over.

Like, what was the point.


Dark black eyes foreva!!!

Revert back to Dark Troll


that would be interesting if it was actually a troll ritual from past.

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Though it is not official,

It is likely that Elune & wild gods are the “Loa/Loa Gods” of Azeroth,

Someone else on a previous post posted the theory that the Loas may actually be titan’s guards or rather the “weavers” in which creation was implemented to be designed as (Designers/Engineers if you will…)

The risk was that it might have blown her up. It didn’t.


Exactly. The way I see it is that the ritual is so risky because Elune would find it hard to agree on giving someone that amount of power and because of the nature of the dark side of Elune she might see it as a pity request and blow you to pieces.
Tyrande was deemed worthy of her gift and she proved to be the perfect vessel for the full powers of Elune.


if there was atleast one example of failed night warrior… but they all succeeded

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It’s actually the opposite. Maive tells Shandris how everyone attempting to performe the night warrior ritual had failed and died.
Tyrande is the first person to succesfully performe it since the creation of the Night Elf empire.


One could perhaps speculate that the ritual would only succeed if sufficient “tribute” were given in return. Tyrande chucked an orc head into the moonwell, but it may be that by invoking vengeance for the victims at Teldrassil as terms of her blessing, they were the real tribute that actually allowed it to work.

For it to be framed as such a dire and risky invocation, it would make sense if Elune would only benevolently answer the ritual of the Night Warrior if the circumstances were appropriately dire, such as a catastrophic loss of life among her followers.

In fact one might even expect that the ritual would have eventually been used during the WotA, had the presiding High Priestess not died and been replaced by the then-inexperienced Tyrande, who wouldn’t have necessarily learned about it yet at that time.


It seems that she have to risk her life by trying it out and it seems that you, like she said “feed the Night Warrior” so we could assume that she will probably die if she don’t do specific things?

just rumors and fairy tales from old times, show story don’t tell. I need to see personally that it’s dangerous. Like demon hunter quest line when some die or turn evil or possessed


Nothing about Elune but Loa is confirmed to be a term that the trolls most often apply to Wild Gods, hence why many of them are animals. There are outcasts that do revere a moon loa who’s true identity is probably Elune.

Pretty much the impression I got as well.

That is indeed a problem in some parts of the narrative, that they are more willing to tell us many things without showing it. Though, sometimes this isn’t a problem at all because it might be what is needed in the moment or at least is forgivable enough. This is a case where I agree, however.


Same with the downsides to being a Worgen nowadays – none.

You’re immune to being raised a Forsaken, you can still have children (stupid, fleshy, human children but still) and ever since Cataclysm it’s not like there’s been any documented downside to becoming a furry.

You’d think that a protagonist selling a part of, or all of their soul, in service of being able to better serve their people/the greater good would have a bit of tragedy to it. That they’d achieve their goals in the short term but at great personal cost, especially if the God/entity they’re binding themselves too is morally dubious.

How is becoming the avatar of vengeance any less reckless than what Tyrande accused the nightborn of (and alienating potential allies and the process, thanks Tyrande).


Attendance at the next Azerothian Rainfurrest is mandatory.


It’s headcanon, but I like it. I’m adopting this idea.

What is the downside of being a werewolf? Or a void elf? Or, in Calia’s case, undead?

Alliance characters/races only ever get theoretical downsides. In practice, they are just given super powers with no consequences. It’s because Blizzard doesn’t think Alliance players can handle any kind of edge at all.


I don’t think so. One head of a random orc warrior is not exactly what you call a significant amount of tribute. Tryrande’s survival probably has to do with her intense spiritual nature. and the passion with which she went into the ritual plus her willingness to leave behind all of her former trappings, her bow, her mount, her healing.

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If you don’t discount the fact that you have a history of murdering some of your friends before your rage was stablised…

You don’t see downsides to races or classes for that matter, because this is Warcraft, not a White Wolf Storyteller production.

Or that Dark Iron Dwarves dealing with a lot of slavery mysteriously stops getting presented after they become an allied race.


I wish they kept this smh. Dark Irons were all about that elemental slavery. They need more cultural flavor text. They even had that gladiator arena in that 4 hour long dungeon.

If Blizzard ever updates Shadowforge city I want them to include Horde slaves fighting in the gladiatorial arena. That would be lit. :fire::volcano::fire::volcano: