What is even a downside of being night warrior

I don’t count that, actually. Because it has zero impact on the story or character. We never see anyone deal with the consequences.

Genn became a worgen and is a much better person afterwards. Alleria basically merges with the Void and it doesn’t even seem to affect her relationship with her Lightforged husband. Calia is raised into undeath and looks fine while being filled with benevolence. Contrast with the permanent effect that being raised into undeath had on Sylvanas, or that the Blood Rage had on MU Grom.

Blizzard doesn’t like to write Alliance characters with any serious darkness to them. Being Night Warrior will be no different - for all that we were told that this was a drastic and dangerous procedure, there will be no consequences.


He was still the same jerkhead he was as a human. He learned, however, compassion after the Night Elves rescued him and his people from the wreck of Gilneas. He still had his single-minded vengeance kick though that he exercised in Stormheim.

There is the problem that they literally can not touch each other. And Dark Kosh Naruu was pretty much driving a wedge between them before Illidan ended her career.

No real benefit either. For all her jumped up power level, she couldn’t lay a finger on Nathanos.

that thing shouldn’t happen. People never learn. Especially as old and as stubborn as Genn

Was there a downside? All I learned from it was the nelf accepting Tyrande’s vengeance and becoming more goth.

If they actually made it so that a nelf must perform a blood sacrifice then it would be so goth.


being an elf


No doubt the Night Warrior will be similar to the Worgen curse in that Blizzard will tell us that there is a s’posed downside… but they’ll never actually show us.

They sure do like to smear the negative effects of the Orc’s Blood Curse or the Curse of Undeath in our faces though.


I guess a downside would be how night elf fans thought that this would be a return to form for the night elves, but all they got was the same watered down mess they’ve been getting since the night elves were made playable in WoW.


I may be wrong, but at the end of the Darkshore questline where she becomes the Night Warrior, doesn’t Tyrande leave with dialogue along the lines of, “I must sate the fury of the Night Warrior, farewell,” or something? Sounds to me like she might have to kill a certain number of enemies in order to meet some kind of requirement of the Night Warrior. If so, we can only speculate what happens if she fails to kill her daily quota. Maybe she dies. Or maybe she loses the power.

Maybe. But I think if you want any actual consequences, you’ll have to head canon them. Which is how Blizzard handles supposedly “cursed” conditions for the Alliance.


I don’t know about that. Void Elves are constantly assailed by the Whispers seeking to drive them insane and transform them into servants of the Void, no? I mean, as an Alliance player this isn’t always evident, but there aren’t a lot around to really gauge. As a Horde player, well, if you’ve ever fought the Void Elf team in the Islands Expeditions, you get the idea. There’s also the fact Alleria inadvertently lured a Void Entity to the Sunwell just by being there.

Seems to me like the Developers have done a good job on showing the cursed conditions for the Void Elves. The issue with Worgen is that they got the Sunwell treatment before they even left their starting zone. Imagine if Blood Elves had restored the Sunwell before leaving Sunstrider Isle. Same thing, and I honestly would say that’s a result of a lack of Alliance content being developed during Cataclysm.


Probably retconned since they clearly touch in Three Sisters.


Being unable to do anything meaningful with the power.


The downside is that to get it you have to be a night elf, and someone has to burn down your city.

When it comes to Tyrande specifically, there aren’t any stated downsides now that she’s actually become the Night Warrior. The risk in becoming the Night Warrior was being torn apart by Elune’s raw power, which is the fate that befell everyone who attempted the ritual since the original Kaldori conquest of ancient Kalimdor. It’s so dangerous that Shandris, w

When it comes to the Night Warrior customization option, that’s just a faint echo of the Night Warrior’s power that doesn’t confer a meaningful power boost.

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As far as I can tell the downside is looking like a bug eyed alien and having an unquenchable thirst for vengeance that will likely consume Tyrande in the end.

Those who seek vengeance in this series have a bad habit of burning themselves out in its pursuit.


Everything seems to have worked out for Maeiv.


After two retcons? I guess.


Blizzard is so allergic to consequences for Alliance characters that they literally hand waved Maieve’s murder spree and attempted assassinations.


She got bumped into the next power tax bracket. Ao she’s even more ineffectual than normal now.

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Is there any benefit to being a night warrior? Other than the benefit Blizzard got of deflecting criticisms after giving the Horde extra options for orc men and blood elves while Alliance players got jackall.