What is each classes ideal Race? (RP/Story)

Like based on WoW history and the story… what is each classes “correct” race?

Warrior: Orc
Mage: Human
Druid: Night Elf
Warlock: Orc?
Paladin: Human

These are just guesses as I haven’t been playing long.

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For some classes it also depends on spec.

Gnomes and Mechagnomes assume the ways of the Arcane, and they’re EXCEPTIONALLY sharp minded. Blood Elves like Pyromancy to watch their enemies burn.

Also, Warlocks are no doubt ideal to the Forsaken. Perhaps Cryomancy too, given how chilly the grave is.

Also… Humans… are just boring. If I had to pick an ideal class for Humans…

… Civilian. Or a warrior with a stick.

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Paladin: Human
Warrior: Tauren, Orc
Druid: Night Elf
Shaman: Troll, Orc
Hunter: Troll, Dwarf
Priest: Human, Blood Elf
Rogue: Undead, Blood Elf, Gnome

Cba to do the others


hah, i like it… what about DK. Is there a specific one?


Hard to say because everybody except Dracthyr and Earthen can be one.

DKs are just dead runic warriors.

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Maths Class: Gnome


Ahh seems right.

I assume Monk has to be Panda, correct?

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Human /10char

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Something I saw as an answer for another thread but for me :100::


Some could realistically have many, but for me:

Warrior: Undead
Mage: Gnome
Druid: Night Elf
Warlock: Human
Rogue: Dwarf
Paladin: Human
Priest: Human
Shaman: Tauren

I just used Classic Races for the Classic Classes, but for the other Classes:

Death Knight: Human
Monk: Pandaren
Demon Hunter: Night Elf
Evoker: Drakthyr

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I’m not too sure as there’s been a crazy detail around gnomes. Although they’re commonly seen as mages, encountering gnomish army forces don’t use magic but rather blades, guns, and wrenches. :wrench::robot:

We do still get a gnomish mage set. :robot::gear:

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First bit will be what I remember of their first mention or appearance or creation. Second bit will be if I could pick one class per race and they could be the same as other races.


  • Orc Shaman (Don’t hear mention of other races for a while)
  • Tauren Druid (Tauren were the only Horde ones originally if not mistaken)
  • Orc Warlock (Gul’dan became first Horde.)
  • Troll Hunter (Fought with BE’s before first war)
  • Orc Rogue (killed Durotan)
  • Orc Warrior (Majority of Orcs were Warriors with Shamans being hybrid healer.)
  • Paladin (None for Horde since it wasn’t till later that we got them otherwise Blood Elf I guess.)
  • Priest (No clue since I can’t remember Horde Priests. That LF Undead Calia might be one and Talaji is maybe close to one.)
  • Pandaren Monk (It is really there racial class)
  • Forsaken Death Knight (Since the RTS games were undead and in books they were risen humans)
  • Blood Elf Demon Hunter (Only Horde race that can be)
  • Dracthyr Evoker (Only Horde race that can be)


  • Orc Warrior (far more mentioned than Shamans which is second)
  • Darkspear Troll Hunter (Probably since it is closest to the ones fighting BE’s)
  • Tauren Druid (They are more of a peaceful, Earthy tribe)
  • Forsaken Death Knight (Can’t think DK without first thinking raised humans)
  • Forsaken Rogue (Lilian Voss or the assassins always come to mind)
  • Goblin Rogue? (Sapper is first class but we do not have them so Rogue cause they sneaky but really don’t have one; Definitely engineer profession though)
  • Blood Elf Hunter (Ranger generals is all I’ll say)
  • Blood Elf Demon Hunter (Only Horde race to be one; Illidari; Illidan book)
  • Pandaren Monk (Class designed around them)
  • Dracthyr Evoker (Class was built for them)
  • Mag’har Orc Warrior (Like Outland Orcs, mostly mentioned as warriors)
  • Nightborne Mage (I think of arcane and magic shield over city)
  • Highmountain Tauren Hunter (Not sure but I think of Huln first)
  • Zandalari Troll Warrior (Default class for most races)
  • Vulpera Warrior (Not sure but I can only remember warriors)
  • Earthen (No clue)

In the books I think mostly Orcs and Ogres are Warlocks. Every race or almost every race has mention of Warriors multiple times so every race could be thought of as Warriors. There are mention of some, like Talanji, that could be considered a class but not enough of them are said class to be the first class thought of. And I stopped reading the books around the Warcraft movie book so not sure what has happened since. And only play WoW about one month every two years now.

Ideal race for Demon Hunter, Pandaren.


This is obviuosly a troll post. It even says troll rogue. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gnomes and Mechagnomes using tech to blend with the environment using a power suit that absorbs and uses Nature Energy while giving them the look and feel… of a Druid


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Mage: 10 meter dash
Warrior: 40 meter dash
Warlock: Relay Race
Hunter: 400 Meter Race
Monk: Marathon
Druid: Triathlon

Paladin: Goblin
Warrior: Goblin
Druid: Goblin
Shaman: Goblin
Hunter: Goblin
Priest: Goblin
Rogue: Goblin

Just came in to make sure this correct answer was given.

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