What is each classes ideal Race? (RP/Story)

Paladin: Blood Elf
Warrior: Blood Elf
Monk: Blood Elf
Hunter: Blood Elf
Rogue: Blood Elf
Demon Hunter: Blood Elf
Warlock: Blood Elf
Death Knight: Blood Elf
Mage: Blood Elf
Priest: Blood Elf

Shaman, Evoker, Druid: Reroll a class that can be blood elf.


Blood Elf history revolves around the worship of arcane magic. Nobody else has greater claim the Mage class.

Relogs to his mage…Goblin of course.

I finally found another person who supports the cause!

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We are close brother, we already got Pandaren DK, just a bit longer.

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And then there’s me, who likes to pick stuff based on a very specific thematic lol.

I’ve a Lightforged Draenei Rogue. That should tell you all you need to know about me.

DH Vulpera named FlyingSquirrel

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Shadow priests gotta be Undead, just feels like perfect fit to me

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Focusing on lore specifically:

Orc: Warrior, Warlocks, Hunters, Shammies
Humans: Paladins, Warriors, Priests (mage as well but they were taught, it wasn’t intuitive)
Gnomes: Rogue, Mage, Warlocks.
Nightelf: Druid, Hunters, Rogues (would be mage before sundering)
Tauren: Druid, Shaman, Hunter, Warrior
Bloodelf: Mage, Warlock, Paladin, Rogues
Trolls: Hunters, Druids, Shaman, Rogues
Goblin: Warlock, Rogue, Mage
Worgen: Warrior, Hunter, Priests, Druids
Draenai: Paladin, Priests, Shamans
Forsaken: Warlocks, Rogues, Priests (specifically shadow priest)
Panda: Monk, Shaman, Hunter

Death Knight: Human
Demon Hunter: Night Elf
Druid: Night Elf
Evoker: Drac
Hunter: Blood Elf
Mage: Blood Elf
Monk: Pandaren
Paladin: Human
Priest: Human
Rogue: Night Elf
Shaman: Orc
Warlock: Forsaken
Warrior: Orc

Some have interchangeable ones but those are what immediately came to mind.

Ok, for rogue, it must be Tauren.

There some headcanon on the blood elves much less that they’d be arcane as arcane addiction was their thing.

There fixed it for you Barbie.

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