What is Classic+

Nobody knows what classic + is. It’s a bunch of opinions that nobody will ever come to an agreement on

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100% impossible for the current devs to develop the unfinished stuff “in the flavor/spirit/attitude”of Vanilla. I doubt the people who created that stuff would even be able to; they’re all 20 years older now than they were when making it.

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Classic+ is like Classic but with refined ideas and good sense changes.

There’s a catch though: If it’s not built using my ideas, it’ll fail.

You could do classic+ and add vertical and horizontal content and new zones/raids (e.g. hyjal, grim batol, emerald dream, karazhan, ulduar. It’s about keeping the same rulesets and not doing things that diluted it in retail (biggest being flying mounts, dungeon finder, paladin/shaman on both factions, class homogenization, killing the scaling of monsters to make leveling trivial, boosts, etc). But the team that made classic wow doesn’t exist anymore and the only talent left is working on retail wow raids etc. I wouldn’t trust blizzard to make new content in the style of classic, they’d just turn it into a mess like everything else.

I think new 10 man content like UBRS would be fantastic.

I think adding paladin/shaman to both factions.

Add a new class quest to unlock a spell from BC like penance or bladestorm.

Add inscription and jewel crafting

Add new recipes to old professions

Unlock zones like hyjal

Add arena and special gladiator gear with pvp stats like resiliance if not arena then rated battlegrounds.


you mean uldum? i love this idea. and somewhere else, an air elemental themed, and somewhere else, water elemental themed. cool idea.

DLC Content Pack - Priority 0

  • New Playable Character → Dracthyr
  • New Character Feature → Multi Class

Dracthyr Time Travel Trainee

  • Faction & Race Shifter, between all playable races.
  • Dragon Ilse Time Travelers Base of Operations, where Dracthyr Raceshift & have a unique storage box upgradeable over time to accommodate having literally dozens of end game sets of gear.

Multi Class

  • Each Playable Race Can Shift Into Each Playable Class They’ve Access To
  • Each Specialization Unlocked Has 3+ Loadouts

DLC Content Pack - Priority 1

  • Added Content From Prior Expansions, but customized for Vanilla Era
  • Quality of Life : Mounts


  • Escapee Deathknights
  • Apprentice Monks
  • Left Behind Illidari


  • Blood Elves
  • Draenei
  • Pandaren


  • Jewelcrafting
  • Inscription
  • Archaeology

Mount Changes. New “Skills” → Sea Mount / Air Mount / Mount Combat

  • Mounted Combat Training, No Level Requirement. 5000g Training
  • Sea Mount, No Level Requirement. 1000g Training / 1000g Mounts
  • Travelers Mount 40%, No Level Requirement. 1g Training / 10s Mounts
  • Apprentice Mount 60%, Requires Level 15. No Cost Changes
  • Journeyman Mount 100%, Requires Level 30. No Cost Changes
  • Slow Flying, Requires Level 40. No Cost Changes
  • Mid Flying, Requires Level 50. No Cost Changes
  • Fast Flying, Requires Level 60. No Cost Changes.

DLC Content Pack - Priority 2
Map Movement Modifiers
Tutorial Region Additions
Map Region Additions


Map Movement Modifiers
Wind Patterns Change “Often” - Daily
Sea Currents Change “Seasonal” - Seasonally

Main Roads
Going With Strong Winds
Going With Strong Sea Currents

Side Roads
Going With Weak Winds
Going With Weak Sea Currents

Going Slightly Uphill
Going Against Weak Winds
Going Against Weak Sea Currents

Going Uphill
Going Against Strong Winds
Going Against Strong Sea Currents


Tutorial Region Additions
Hobby Trainers, for each profession.
Gathering Nodes / Skin-able Mobs.
Level 5 Elite Areas
Level 6 Raid Boss, Summonable by Collective Efforts
Community Build Plot, Inn type Structure, Built by Collective Effort
Ground Taxi, that will take you to Nearby City or Nearby Town


Map Region Additions

  • Similar concept to Tutorial Region Additions. But Expanded… More Full Examples Later

DLC Content Pack - Priority 3

  • New World PvPvE System

Game Concept / Inspirations

  • Chess, meaning the goal of the faction is to kill enemy “King” NPC.
  • Alterac Valley / Arathi Basin

Important NPC’s

  • Faction Leader, once killed both factions reset the next server reset.
  • City Leader, respawns 24 Hours
  • World Commander, respawns Respawns 24 Hours
  • Continent Commander, Respawns 12 Hours
  • Kingdom Hero, Respawns 6 Hours
  • Region Commander, Respawns 4 Hours

Important Places, to World RP PvPvE. Some Added to Map

  • Cities
  • Villages
  • Towers
  • Military Outposts / Bases / Fortresses
  • Agriculture / Mining / Lumber / etc. Natural Resource Industrial Plots.

Player’s Input Into Factions

  • Donate Resources, per Zone / Village / City / Place of Interest Currently Owned. Increases Defensive Measures, Increases Spy Related Information.
  • Start Siege / City Defense Routines.
  • Move Forces Routines. aka moving strength around the map to assist current goals.

“Things Preventing Victory” Faction Leader, buffed by

  • Every City Leader Alive
  • World Commander Alive
  • Kingdom Heroes Alive
  • City Defense Reinforcements

Impossible to kill when buffed.

City Leader, buffed by

  • Every City Leader Alive
  • Continent Commander Alive
  • Kingdom Hero Alive
  • City Defense Reinforcements

Nearly impossible to kill when buffed.

World Commander, buffed by

  • Continent Commanders Alive
  • Kingdom Heroes Alive
  • Key Locations Controlled

Very hard to kill when buffed.

Continent Commander, buffed by

  • Region Commanders Alive
  • Kingdom Heroes Alive
  • Key Locations On Continent Controlled

Hard to kill when buffed.

Kingdom Hero, buffed by

  • Region Commander’s Within Kingdoms Borders Alive
  • Key Locations Within Kingdoms Borders Controlled

Mid difficulty to kill while buffed.

Region Commander, buffed by

  • Presence of Kingdom Hero
  • Key Locations Within Region Controlled

Easiest to kill while buffed.


i also think stuff like, talent tree’s for armor weights and weapon types should exist. there should also be 2 added armor weights, unarmored / heavy plate. the talent tree’s would give points based off your skill in said armor/weapon. talents within these tree’s could simply enhance current types of abilities, enhance character traits passively, have unique active abilities associated w/ each armor weight / weapon type.

and tbh, the amount of “stuff” classic could add is endless and in todays world the only limit is how rich can all this make someone ?

so. a real Classic + we will never get.


It’s just a rumor that isn’t happening anytime remotely soon.

Classic+ with Improved Graphics (Optional) > balanced engineering gears and potions > HARDCORE MODE!

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I would like to see additional class options in classic that make sense:
Hunter for human & undead
Warlock for dwarf & troll
Priest for gnome & Tauren
Mage for night elf & orc

Some classic styled added races would be cool too like naga, ogre, high elf…

The only class change id really like to see is hunters getting focus instead of mana, since mana never really made sense to me. But that would require a lot of reworking so I don’t see that happening.


Classic+ is the idea that Vanilla WoW could be designed in a way where people wouldn’t get bored of 16 year-old content being run on repeat, and that Blizzard could bother spending the time and manpower developing new content on top of said 16 year-old content without it being an expansion.

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This is a terrible idea. This only appeals to a handful of people. The reason retail is so successful is because of the quality of life changes implemented over the years. People revisit classic because it’s nostalgia. In retrospect, classic is a great game, but lacked the quality changes to keep it appealing. Every time I go to play it I make it to level 10 and remember the grind I did 20 years ago and just quit.

You spend too much time trying to get to the cap to enjoy the game with people you care about. Most of the journey in WOW is endgame content, raids, dungeons, progression. Leveling for 3 months is such a hindrance to fun that many people just quit or never finish.

Dungeon finder. I know it’s contentious but a lot of the issue with classic is the lack of a dungeon finder. Most people now are no longer children. We’re working adults with lives and sitting around for an hour and a half trying to find a group for a dungeon that may dissolve after a boss or two is not appealing any longer.

What I would like to see in Classic + if there were a thing and it involved chromie and the timeline splits:

 Make some of the playable classes and races currently in retail available to classic era. I've always thought it would be fun to run a monk in Molten Core at content or close to the era as possble.  

Bring in some of the features retail has: Instant mail access, the Trading Post is wonderful, dungeon finder, get rid of factions. Faction imbalance is not fun. Also, get rid of racials. The number one thing I hate hearing is "I'm a troll for the haste" or "I'm a human" blah blah. People have to stop race worshipping for things that only affect 1% of the player base. 

 That's just some of my thoughts on classic +

Totally true.