What is a spell/attack you wish your class had?

Can be anything, removed from the game or completely new. Personally I wish Monks had a water walking spell, since it’s something that actually happens during the class mount quest line.


Metamorphosis back for Demonology Warlock :heart::ok_hand:t4:


Demonology Warlock Metamorphosis


Demo cataclysm meta.


Metamorpha…oh. Right.


Or do you mean actual no admin abilities?

Either way, /kill

i’ve always wished for a class who can summon demons and fight alongside them, but my Demon Hunter haven’t that kind of ability.

Blizzard we deserve a Demon Hunter who can actually have a demon companion!

I want Hurricane back. Even if it was just for Resto spec as an AoE.

Recuperate. I miss being able to spend combo points after the battle to recover from it.

Fel flame and a baseline speed increase.

Legion Artifact Ability for Havoc should be made baseline, not talented into.

something that outright banishes an enemy to the void. no, they can’t come back.

I’ve always wished monks had a safe fall effect. It fits with the class theme and I run off high things a lot. Would be nice to not take damage. :slight_smile:

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Gorefiend’s Grasp. It feels like several trash pulls/bosses in dungeons would benefit massively if I had it.

Easy, everything from mop :slight_smile:


Gust of Wind or Cleansing Totem or mount speed in ghost wolf while outside power that we’ve had off and on.


You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that can’t be done. Can you remind me what I pay you people for, honestly? Throw me a bone here! What do we have?

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I would love more abilities with knockbacks. Just for the giggles.

Zen Flight if outdoors