What is a game you wish was popular/deserves a second chance?

Darkfall? its just an old pvp based mmo, dunno what would be on google images.

It had a great launch, but then the reality of a full loot mmo on a server where cheaters got near carte blanche set in for most and its player count dived

Well I get tha tlol, but when i was looking in images i was getting weird anime stuff

Oh, so it appears. I searched “Darkfall MMO” the first time

Another vote in here for Wildstar. I really wish that even if they did can it, they would have released the files. There are groups trying really hard to get it going again but its mostly just some entry quests and rp factor. But ngl if there was ever a playable version if it, I would 100% go across to play it.
the combat was fun and engaging and even the flavour events like the comments as you level up was great.

Scuttlebutt is that NCSoft had a legit group offer to buy it a few years after it closed down and got quoted an obscenely high price for the rights and code.

We’re talking a “screw this, we’ll just make our own game for that kind of price” level price tag

an arena battler with moba movement… Battlerite, very underrated and it’s a shame it didn’t become more popular.

Yeah I never understood why they didnt sell it? It was a really good base start to a potentially wonderful game but they chose to nuke it instead. I hope they do actually sell it to someone who can keep developing it.

I hate it when that happens to games. I found out about this one game about a week ago, and you know, the combat isn’t the best. It’s just a full-on anime, pretty much, but it was a pretty strong start. It had good characters, plot, and cinematics.