What iLVL to Start M+?

I have no idea what I should be to even start this. No experience. Tips?

You’ll probably struggle to find pugs that will accept you right now if you’re below like 250-255 ilvl, even if you don’t actually need that much gear.

Armory says your 254, so you should be able to find a +2 after a little while of applying.

I recommend progressing horizontally, not vertically.
By this I mean do them all on +2, then do them all on a +5.
I see people do like 3 different dungeons on repeat, and then wonder why they cant get into +15’s when they’ve cleared +15’s.

Do normal mythic and then work your way up.

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honestly 233 zm green gear is enough to have a start on M+2. You will be a slight carry but you can do it as long as you start your own key. Talk to the guy on the image below and get a key. Also this week is the best week to start doing keys since people are still learning and can be forgiving to failing mechanics


Yep. Ask anyone really good at Keys which person they’d take:

App1: IO 3200, i277, cleared the dungeon 3 times.

App2: IO 3000, i269, cleared the dungeon 77 times.

Anyone who’s run Keys and had to sift through applicants knows which of those two players they’re picking: EXPERIENCE is what matters.

you dont need gear really, buy AH boes and your legos then do M0 then you are ready for the big boy leagues. Just make sure you do your own key since no one invites dps who are overqualified

or have a guild that has a f’it runs

M0 is dropping 262 gear so that’s generally a good goalpost. But at the same time 250 is overkill for low level M+. So you just kinda got to see what you can sneak your way into.

If your willing to setup your own keys or have a guild that will help you a lot. But if your wanting to pug then it’s going to be rough, there’s so many high ilvl people running everything for both valor and dungeon knowledge.

Grab a key from key guy in oribos and just make your own group. Say +2 for Valor and I’m sure 280s will join to carry you while you learn the dungeons. Then you can start joining or making higher keys when you’re comfortable. Worked for me when I came back from not playing lol.

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On Tuesday I did +2’s of all the dungeons to get a feel for them. I also recommed brushing up on your knowledge. Youtube videos help!

As you clear keys always be in the mindset of improving upon your previous score. For example, if you ++4 Iron Docks then I would start looking for a +5 or even +6 Iron Docks key next. This applies to all of your scores and the dungeon’s you’ve completed. Eventually, you’ll climb the ladder and be doing 15’s in no time. Keep an eye out for gear and upgrade with valor points as much as possible to keep your gear adapting.

A lot of people were already super geared going into Season 4 from Season 3. So a lot of people had a head start and were able to immediately jump into higher keys and stay ahead of the game.

300 + link AOTC


As always just start your own group, a +2 will attract players who don’t need gear, or players who still need something, but also need valor.

Like I need gear still, but I also have a 1/12 weapon so I need like 11K valor, I will soon be needing to find those players who want to be carried just so I can farm valor and I would be very much appreciative to have players start their own +2 group so I can farm valor.

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Let’s all celebrate the fact that there is no valor cap this season so people will be more attracted to farming +2 keys

And have a credit score of 950

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Pronouns and Ukraine flag in twitter bio preferred.

I boosted a character, made it some legendaries, bought some ZM gear and hopped straight in.

2-5’s are easy enough even with vendor gear.
