The thought just occurred to me, and maybe this is actual copium, but maybe the reason Zovaal is trash is because he was never planned to be the true final raid boss of Shadowlands?
What if Death Knight Anduin is actually the final boss?
Think about it for a second.
A) Most of the story of 9.0 and 9.1 is actually the origin story of “Death Knight Anduin” and building Anduin up specifically as a threat. The bits we see of Zovaal involve him forging Anduin into a weapon. Zovaal himself is present for very little of it, whereas we get scene after scene of Anduin’s plight, his torment and turn, he’s the star of the 9.1 reveal trailer, he’s the one who “defeats” the Night Fae in Ardenweald, he claims the sigil from the Primus. The cliffhanger cutscene of 9.1 basically suggests his journey to “The Dark Side” is complete. It’s almost all about Anduin. Shadowlands main arc is very much the story of “Death Knight Anduin”.
B) Shadowlands is meant to be WOTLK 2.0. Let’s be honest, Blizzard loves the idea of marketing a new Lich King. Look at the art for 9.1 - Blonde-Haired Anduin right in the middle, looking very much like Arthas. The idea of putting Anduin as the final boss to evoke that Icecrown Citadel Lich King final boss vibes… upper management probably drooling at the expected revenue of WOTK hype.
C) We already had Sylvanas as a boss themed around chains and death and what-not. I don’t think Blizzard will do that again. 9.1 is “Chains of Domination” and I don’t think they want to do another final boss who is the same thing, whose powers revolve around chaining and dominating. By contrast, 9.1’s final boss fight teases Anduin’s power - he uses traditional “Death Knight” rune powers mixed with “Heretical” light-based powers. He has a very interesting toolkit that will stand out from Sylvanas - something unique, but also evoking the Lich King.
D) Zovaal is boring and bland and I feel that as much as they have hack writers there, they can’t be this oblivious to how terrible he is… can they? *takes hit of copium*
Just my thoughts. While I think this is probably a terrible strategy for Blizzard in terms of hype for the expansion prior to 9.2 (Zovaal sucks and we still think he’s the final boss), if Anduin is actually the final boss I think it will retroactively make a lot of the previous story content looked upon more favorably and people will be more positive of the story and of the final patch (and if the final patch lasts ~12 months, then that will be a lot of time to appreciate the “twist” and the retroactive implications).
Could be wrong of course, we’ll see what happens.