What if Zovaal isn't the final raid boss of Shadowlands?

I’m convinced shadowlands is just Thanos with an Ironman chest and no glove.

BFA was ultra instinct Goku Kamehameha wave vs. Octopus Jiren

In BFA we knew Azshara was going to be a major player with Nzoth. Anduin just looks like a mind controlled pawn. He’s now useless outside of Bastion purity thing.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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I think Anduin becoming a LK-like entity is unlikely. I think his current situation is tied too closely to the Jailer. I fully expect us to either just punch it out of him as a boss on the way to the Jailer in 9.2, or to knock him out and after we finish up with the Jailer he goes back to normal. I’ll be surprised if they try to keep that going after the Jailer is done.

That said, I DO think we’re probably looking at either a Scourge-centric expansion or at least a Scourge-centric transition into the next expansion. Not sure which it’ll be yet, since we don’t have much information, but we know the Scourge are still running rampant, that they’ll continue to do so without a Lich King (crown’s dead, jim), and that at the very least, Lakeshire has been killed while we’ve been in the Shadowlands. That can’t mean nothing.

(note: I’m not saying there’s no chance we get a 9.3 either btw. That “transition” could be 9.3 and we’ll see a new threat set up at the end of it. I just don’t see the Jailer’s plot specifically going beyond 9.2. It’s already come to a point where we HAVE to stop him NOW or we lose, so therefore it’s done in 9.2 unless Blizzard is dumb.)

Archimonde part 3 :sunglasses:

Speaking of Jiren… dude, as disappointing as Jiren is in a sense compared to the pantheon of DBZ/DBS villains, Zovaal makes Jiren look like a masterpiece. At least if you’re going to go with “Bland Bald-Headed Meathead” bad guy, you need to A) make him powerful and B) right off the bat he needs to make an impression.

Think of Thanos for a second. The first time we actually saw him in actual action, he clapped Thor, Loki, and Hulk with only a fraction of his power. Or in the case of Jiren, he embarrassed Goku in a matter of about a minute IIRC. That’s how you make an impression.

Nobody is taking Zovaal seriously. He’s a joke. Out of every expansion end-boss we’ve ever seen, Zovaal is easily the least hype. I’m still in the mindset that if you were going to make Zovaal as the main villain, Zovaal needed to dunk on Odyn. Odyn is literally in the 9.1 story but they didn’t really use him well in my opinion - if Zovaal took down Odyn in an epic cinematic (instead of spending those dollars of anime sylvanas vs tyrande which did absolutely nothing to progress the story or build up either character) then we’d have reason to believe Zovaal is a threat. Otherwise, all he’s done is beat up World of Warcraft’s version of the Scions - and sure they’ve formidable in some respects but they’re not on a level where we’re impressed by it.

Why would you think that? Narratively what do you even do with that? I imagine we’ll deal with the aftermath of the Scourge, but actually centering another expansion around the Undead seems likely.


This is pure copium.

Yogg saron will be a boss

What if Denathrus is the bad guy.

Hear me out, in the oldist shadowlands tombs you see nothing of Revendreth. What if Denathrus is a race born before the ordering who wants nothing more then to un-do the ordering. What if the jailer was framed and locked away because of Denathrus who then stepped in made his own covenant and became the gate keeper. Then he plays all sides to destroy each other and return his universe back to what it was before the ordering.

This makes the jailer a powerfull pawn and we get a bad guy worth his salt. Now his minions just have to get him to the specular after the jailer opens it so that he can be restored to his original glory.

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