What if The lich king fought darth vader?

Would frostmourne be cut in half by a lightsaber ? Or would the blade stay intact due to its powerful enchants?

Would Vader be able to just abuse arthas with the force since he isn’t a force sensative? Or would arthas be able to resist his attacks with death magic?


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Vader would wipe the floor with him.

two times.

and once more just for B-roll footage.


I mean we saw Frostmourne explode, so I think a swoopsaber would swoop it

What if lich king fought me ?

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Not sure, I’d like to say Frostmourne would resist being cut in half due to it’s magic. The Lich King isn’t a slouch either, being able to summon an nearly endless wave of undead who feel no fear or pain. Vader though is a walking juggernaut of terror. It’d probably come down to if Arthas could overwhelm Vader with numbers or not.

Nobody ever beats a one armed bandit in the long run.

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Depends on a lot. Arthas held back during his entire fight against heroes of azeroth and Tirion and only lost because of arrogance/being taken by surprise.

It Arthas is able to use domination on Vader it’s a wrap


Clog Vader’s respiratory systems with blight. Easy win

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Vader’s lost in single combat many times, and The Lich King required the combined efforts of a small army of people more powrful than a Jedi to defeat.

I’d assume The Lich King takes the W.

Ez game, ez life.


Khadgar vs The Predator… go

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Ok assuming frostmourne can parry lightsaber strikes…how would Arthas defend against Vaders telekinetic force powers? I would assume vader could just ragdoll him with the force no? His telekinetic force powers are pretty OP:

Vader Pulls Down Ship - YouTube

That… would be difficult. Like I said, it’d come down to if Arthas could overwhelm Vader with sheer numbers before Vader could tear him apart with the Force.

I’m just saying, Shaman learn chain lightning at lvl28, and The Emporer (supposedly the most powerful being in the universe) popped it off once as his ultimate showing of power. Vader can’t even Chain Lightning.

Reason behind that is the mechanized parts of his body would short out if he tried. Plus the Emperor’s “Chain Lightning” is a lot more impressive in the comics then what we ever see. Pretty sure the man summoned a Force Storm that tore apart a fleet of ships.


Anti Magic Shell maybe? I guess that really depends on if The Force counts as “magic”

It depends on a lot of “what ifs” in that case. In a universe where both Star Wars and Warcraft theoretically exist, then both settings’ power systems would have to coexist - is it possible that Arthas’ power comes from The Force when translated into the Star Wars power systems? What, then, does that prevent Vader from doing that he can otherwise do effortlessly to a “non Force-sensitive”?

What of Arthas’ powers would basically be worthless against such a powerful Force user?

With all that in mind it’s pretty much impossible to tell who would win in a straight on fight - how comparable is Vader’s force grip to Arthas’ “FROSTMOURNE HUNGERS.”. Would the force grip even be useful against Arthas who may or may not even need to breathe in the first place? How comparable is Vader moving ships to Arthas resurrecting Sindragosa? How susceptible would Vader be to the Scourge plague? Is it just Vader vs Arthas, or are we including the Scourge army and Stormtroopers as well?

Ultimately I think it’s just a matter of time - killing Arthas wouldn’t really be as simple as just stabbing him in the chest, after all his heart isn’t even there anymore, while I doubt The Force would give Vader any resistance to the Scourge plague, at least not substantial enough to avoid succumbing to it eventually. Best case scenario for Vader is he kills Arthas and then more or less takes his place by succumbing to the plague and then just being the strongest Scourge on the planet


I’ll give you that. I’ve seen the movies but I’m not a big Star Wars fan. Maybe what I’ve seen is just wildly downplayed.

vader force crumples the helm of domination. game over since arthas no longer has a head. doesnt even need to be in the same room, isnt that right, admiral piett?


force is not magic

he knows how but Palpatine made his suite weak on purpose so it would be nerfed on purpose

I think what would happen is:

If scrawny elf can rip it apart with her hands then vader wouldn’t have an issue smashing it with the force.

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