What if The lich king fought darth vader?

Vader could fend off mind domination easily.

As much as I love Arthas, it would be an easy win for Vader.

Vader can break the Lich King’s neck from a huge distance.

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My bets are on the Predator. Cause of the shoulder mounted plasma caster, cloaking device and wristblades. Some predators have throwing disks, retractable throwing spears and whips that can cut things in half. Also not to mention the wrist device acts like a mini nuke.

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Reminder that the Lich King’s helmet got ripped in half, and Frostmourne got shattered into splinters.

Lich King ain’t as powerful as people imagined he’d be.

Just the leader of the Scourge, not much more. There’s other Scourge that are pretty powerful, probably almost as much as LK himself, they’re just not leaders like he was.

Hell, Kel’Thuzad came back in Shadowlands, he was still kicking while Arthas was a long-gone fart cloud.

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Darth Vader is consumed by darkness and is quite literally a dead man walking.

there is his advantage.

Lich King has no power against something he can’t influence through domination.

Vader is spiteful, jealous, greedy, and self centered and he kills without hesitation.

only Luke Skywalker could fix him.


I think Legends Vader would roflstomp LK.

Side note: Anyone see that remaster (retelling?) of the Obi-Wan vs Vader fight from Ep. IV?

if the lich king can conjure lightning then vader is toast

He could just hoist Arthas in the air and chop him into sashimi.

LK should have continued his Avatar training so he could move on from water/frost.

Vader would just force yank the helm off him

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I’m no big star wars fan, but i know enough that Vader isn’t some mary sue when it comes to fights, but the way people talk about him during these 1v1 discussions really do paint him as being a mary sue.

Is it Sunday already?

I don’t think there’s anything the lich king can do against a star destroyer in orbit.


Darth Vader would kill not only the lich kings, but also the lich queens and the lich princes

It’s coarse and gets everywhere


He would put some gold in your slot and pull your lever until he hit a payload

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Well at the age that Anakin was winning pod races, Arthas was grinding horses into the dirt.

Anakin at least had a modicum of skill and worth.


I would wonder why I’m having such a weird dream.