What if Teldrassil was tainted?

Just opinions. If we wanted genocide, we would’ve gone for Hyjal and Moonglade!

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I mean those are both Cenarion Circle territories, which is at least 50% Tauren. I’m sure the Lich Queen would’ve iced em if she thought she could get away with it, but she wasn’t quite ready to have the whole Horde turn on her yet.


Why didn’t Elune save them again? Was she on vacation?

Just because someone won’t see your humor, I’m going to clarify for others. :kissing_heart:

The Horde thought they were going to occupy an enemy city because Sylvanas lied and said it was a tactical target for Azerite shipments, which is how she convinced the Horde to do this. But that was never the case.

The Horde had no idea she was going to burn that tree. She did it to fuel the Jailer and her own power. Mass murder is indeed considered genocide. That’s it’s original base meaning. It wasn’t until much later in history that it began being used as a definition for targeting specific peoples.


Babyyyyy you know I would never support genocide against you! We were just trying to help Azeroth cure her woonz! That’s all it was giiiiiirl! bats eyes


I hope I was supposed to read that in valley girl



You’re a blood elf. I just assume everything we say is read in valley girl.

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It was tainted with all the souls of level 5 night elf characters who got lost in the furbolg barrows and never found their way back out.


I don’t think the average zoomer knows what a “book” is to be honest… which is sad since not even 1/100th of all books written have been digitized yet…


Pretty good insult for elves. I’m going to steal this now.

What if the catapults actually missed and the tree just did that

Better blow up the entire planet then if you want to ensure the fel taint is gone. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well books have been around since 1454 when the first book was invented and there’s about 130 million books in the world, and according to another quick google search, there was 25 million books scanned. So that translate out to… nearly 20%? :thinking:

I could be wrong here.

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A lot older than that, printed manuscripts (in the bound form we know them) have been around since the Tang dynasty, 6th Century (and some are older than this, Romans for instance used bound codexes, which are essentially books). Most of them religious or medical in origin.

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Algalon has sent you a friend request


The title sounds kinky… Just need a feather


It’s over. Stop reaching. Sylvanas burned the tree and killed mostly everyone inside it. Those souls then went to the maw for eternal torment. We were able to save a very tiny fraction of them. The rest remain in the maw being tormented for eternity.

She killed thousands upon thousands of innocents and new exactly the torture that would happen to them after they were dead. She it did it for her own ends. It’s over. She’s pure evil.

You’re trying to shove a puzzle piece into the story where it doesn’t belong by making excuses for her actions.


The entire planet has been corrupted in every zone. If it wasn’t we wouldn’t need to kill all that stuff.

it was tainted to begin with you find this out if you do the whole night elf questline story in classic and cata versions of it as well as read some of the books.