What if Teldrassil was tainted?

Anyone who’s created a night elf character and quested there knows that Teldrassil was tainted by fel magic. So what if it was like a poisoned splinter infecting the world of Azeroth?

Even if there were thousands of people living on it, wouldn’t you want to remove it to save the lives of everyone?


Less elves is always a good thing.


And lets face it, the tree had it coming.


No. It was tainted by the Nightmare. And then it was cleansed. And blessed by the dragons. That happened all the way back in Cata. It hasn’t been tainted by anything since.


We also defeated the Legion in Warcraft 3, but taht wasn’t the end of them. There’s still much more to the Nightmare/ Emerald Dream we don’t know.

One of the fun issues of the world being locked to an expansion is, when starting a Night Elf, you’re playing through Cataclysm so it looks like it is. And people are likely to not do any story content that shows that improving, so the impression remains through the rest of leveling that the tree is corrupt.

Man…I’m not sure I like leveling being expansion locked. So many narrative issues.


It wasn’t. The Aspects purified it relatively recently.

Stop trying to find justification for genocide.


The Nightmare was defeated. N’zoth is dead.

I suppose. I need to remember that I’m the weirdo who goes to read up on things I’ve missed or to fill in gaps. I don’t think normal people do that. LOL


So we’re just making up assumptions to justify Sylvanus’ actions now?


Noooo, many dont. I’ve played through every expansion so I’ve finished all of these stories, but many maaaaany many people just get to the current expansion and surpass every other story in the game.

Honestly it’s a big part of why I think the world needs a soft reset. Jump forward a bit and put all this lore in the past so that we can try and latch on to a cohesive narrative.

Plus I would love to see Azeroth with modern graphics. I realize the workload, but still.


it was tainted with void magic because Nightmare you unlearned protoelf

Well, us Horde didn’t know that. Had to burn it down, just to be safe.


I’d still love it though it hurts me so, but it’d be time to pack my things and go.

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The tree was cleansed, and corruption doesn’t justify a genocide that brings eternal damnation to the cosmos.


People keep throwing around the word “genocide”. No one was trying to wipe out the night elves. If so, we would’ve made simultaneous attacks on Hyjal and Moonglade. We were eliminating a tactical target! I mean, we were trying to purge Azeroth of a major source of corruption! The world was vulnerable! We were heroes! Champions!

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As funny as it seems now, this was one of the most popular theories posted by Horde posters at the beginning of BFA when they were in the:

“Muh lady can do no bad” phase.

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Why is everyone hell bent on justifying the genocide of basically an entire WoW race. Jesus christ.

And if the world tree truly was tainted, I’m sure the thousands of druids/spirits/dragons that lived on and visited the tree would’ve realized at some point.


They’re still recovering from their fanfiction where it was in fact the Alliance heroes who burned Teldrassil.

They’re still in denial because they got suckered into liking genocidal maniacs.


Well, it’s not genocide for one.

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Jus’ sayin’

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