What if Teldrassil was tainted?


Underrated Comment

It was, not anymore.

By the time the Horde destroyed the tree with their magical catapult it was cleansed, purified, uncorrupted, unHorded, whatever uncorrupted synonym or related word you can think of. :eyes:

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I bet it was tainted from the Jailer’s perspective. Tainted with…life!!

Can’t really trust druids or dragon aspects to certify something as having been cleansed. They’ve all got a track record of missing corruption until it’s too late. If it’s not at the stage of void tentacle sprouting out of something, they’ll be like, “yeah, looks clean to me! We know the last 22 times we were wrong, but we definitely won’t be tricked into empowering something corrupt a 23rd time!”

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Pretty sure even if it was infected there is a better way to cleanse it than genocide, if you aren’t purposely trying to feed souls to the Maw.

No one was sent into the ruin of Teldrassil after its destruction.

This was a deliberate move done by the stupid story makers.

Expect horrors or a race of ashen, bloody thirsty Night Elves to be eeking out an existence in the ruin.

wasn’t the old tree tainted before? or something similar then it got destroyed forget why then when they wanted to plant teldrassil and get it blessed by the aspects they were denied because it was tainted. then i forget why but it was blessed eventually.

i think this had to do with xavius as well.

i mean it makes sense to me that it would be tainted tbh because in reality you taint soil it remains there for a while think of it kinda like radioactive waste. it’ll remain there for many years. this is why food that can be legally labeled as organic has stricter protocals the soil they use can’t be tainted unlike the bs we eat typically that they just dump a F ton of chemicals on that is labeled by the fda as “safe”. no different how same chemicals are later banned by other states/countries because they are later found to cause health issues.

i try not to think of it this way because it’s WoW they do sloppy af work in terms of story but if said is true then yes i would 100% bet teldrassil is tainted. just my opinion. then again you also got bolvar who was "cleansed by the plague i think it was by fire so it’s not really out of the ordinary. i think the people to bless teldrassil was ysera? and alexstrazsa not sure if others were involved

Someday people will read the thread before commenting.


today is not the day for me; it’s my day off my friend :smiley:

Yes, stupid to leave a plot thread there that could be used in the future. How dare they no sever and burn all ends of potential stories!?!

Most people would forget those kinds of details.

I don’t.

It was tainted, by the magic of the old gods, since the tree was spliced with a branch from the tree that Malfurion turned Xavius into during the War of the Ancients.

But the corruption was excised by Malfurion, so it was not tainted by the events of Battle for Azeroth.

Sure, if it was a danger to the world but I wouldn’t just burn it and everyone in it to the ground. Either way it doesn’t matter, even the remaining dragon flights found it to be clean of the infection and blessed it to ensure it would remain so.

It is tainted lol

It was tainted and plenty of lore characters knew about it. They could have told that story, but they chose not to. :woman_shrugging: