What if races had talent trees?

I’m going to sneak on to the I-Think-This-Is-A-Really-Bad-Idea train.

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There are ways to make it so the racials are not overpowered. Heck many racial options could just be reskinned existing racials. Like what if for Wildhammer you get a racial called Stormhammer and it’s just a reskin of warstomp. Briefly stuns everything around you.

(this assumes every race gets a smattering of racials)


Yea reskinning abilitiies like that could give each faction access to different racials. Imagine a horde version of shadowmeld. xD. That would mean comps being able to pick 2 or more races.


Exactly. That would really let blizzard expand racials without causing too much fuss on balance. Its almost a win win.


I love this idea OP. I would love some gem enthusiast perk that let me craft Draenei themed cosmetic jewelry as customization options.


That sounds like a nice idea. Maybe like a profession based tree could offer unique recipes.


And this could also be useful for the Soar debacle.

Let people choose between two talents, whether they want a 930% speed Soar on a 30 min cooldown or the nerfed version on a 2 min cooldown.

Everyone happy.

Imagine if players had talent trees :open_mouth: what I mean is account wide talent trees that gave you “stuff”

Personally I’d prefer all racials to be flavour only, things that aren’t power driven and just thematic.
Gathering quicker, treasure tracking, faster death speed as a wisp etc.

Race choice should be about theme and choice, not which one has the better racials. Would also cut out a lot of the complaining about which races are OP etc.




I oughta…


Damn, that was a good one.


[or more, right?]


And don’t forget about Darkfallen (Dark Ranger) talents too for both!

Yes. Personally a fan of having a ton of eyes in void form or something. Could increase stealth detection xD.

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I would like to sprout multiple eyes and tentacles.


RP gamers when cool shadow racials are added…

Competitive gamers when cool shadow racials are added…

The idea can also open customuzations unique to the sub race you choose as well to help differentiate the cultures. As well as a race name tag change and maybe flavor text on npc’s that /say as you pass by.


I was thinking it could be set-up like current talents is atm, but you need an npc to unlock the choices/switch sub races kinda like barbers for customizations.

Dark ranger night elf on forsaken can get that option.


gasp you changed your mog


Angus Beef Patty - Starting talent.

Cheddar | American | No Cheese

Onion | Tomato | Lettuce

Ketchup | Mustard | Pickles

Sesame Seeds | Plain | Toasted

:drooling_face: It could work out nicely.

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I don’t know if “racial” would be the appropriate term for this - I could see a “global” talent choice list - something like game-meaningful traits - that could work reasonably well.

I’m sure there’s end up being a meta for it, but the idea of being able to choose the wandering campsite on my Orc Hunter or Berserking on my Highmountain Tauren sounds interesting.

I’m not usually on board for fiddling with the basic structure of the game, but I don’t see any reason individual members of a race couldn’t have a personal fascination with some aspect of another race that is not usual for their own and learning about/how to do whatever that is.