What if, in the next expansion they

I made my own thread, for Zandalari ‘Embrace the Loa’ buff - that whomever you chose as Loa, that you’d get additional dialog from said-Loa.

Just a cosmetic dialog feature, not an additional buff or anything like that. And they went fruitloop-bananas at it. I even gave the suggestion for an Alliance benefit throughout the thread, and they were still unhappy - Which is more than can be said for many Horde-requested features; I atleast tried to compromise to both factions …
Ironically, one of the ‘No fair, me want High elf’ people were stereotypically a Human Male Paladin lol.
To see for yourself the full thread ~

:stuck_out_tongue: Anywho, for those wanting to continue the discussion of High-Elves - I’d suggest going to the Megathread which has been largely noticed around the subject which is - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-high-elves-dont-work-a-primer/19431 (Despite the title, they discuss it in rather detailed depth, to which people can debate, so have a look)
Has over Seven THOUSAND comments, and many ebb and flows of discussion. :slight_smile:

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