What if Garrosh's atonement in Revendreth



i love this guy

“All who challenge me… will boil in the waters of my kettle!”


Hmm… It thirsts.


Thrall: It is not too late Garrosh. Lay down the mantle of gentleman, we can end this here, now, with no more bloodshed.

Garrosh: Ha! Do you remember nothing of decorum? Of glory in the parlour? You who would parlay with the coffee drinkers, who allowed Starbucks to practice their dark magics right under our feet. You are weak.

Garrosh: We are the Gentleman’s Horde, the True Horde. We die, prim and proper in the tea shop, like true orcs SHOULD.

Garrosh: You are an Orc no longer, and speak for none but yourself. You betrayed our people to forge your fragile beverages, and I will take great pleasure in pouring them down the drain!


Fixed the last paragraph for you but 10/10

Yeah but then they screwed it up by the way he acts in the Twilight Highlands intro when he sends his entire air fleet excluding his zeppelin to attack 3 alliance ships that they happen to spot. Leaving themselves open to an attack by the Twilight Dragonflight, which actually happens.

There is a reason why Stonetalon feels like it doesn’t belong. In two different zones we see two different versions of Garrosh. One is the learner who was taught what true honor is, and the other acts the same way he did in Wrath. A hot headed idiot who wants nothing but glory added to his name.

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Well Afrasiabi talked about how he narratively had plans to give garrosh actual growth into a good leader, and have him cool down from a hot head. It’s stuff like that that irks me about the writers though, they lack cohesion and choose the in my opinion lesser of two stories for the character which turned into a terrible trope for the horde.




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He’s shown in the Afterlives cinematic for Revendreth. It’s not a spoiler.

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I’ve seen what happens AFTER.

I don’t think these are the writers to touch a Garrosh redemption story, but if they pull it off, I’ll view it as their redemption.

I can with full confidence assure you that you need not worry about that contingency.

As did Kael, at least in WoW (coming off an incredible Warcraft III campaign).

It seems Shadowlands is Blizzard’s way of revisiting characters they mishandled, and thus far I’ve enjoyed everything with the iconic characters we’ve seen so… perhaps there’s hope for Garrosh yet, for this expansion at least.


Drahliana, we have Theotar to thank for that - right?

tfw no tusks

Seriously - I actually thought I wouldn’t enjoy the Venthyr covenant story - and I find myself loving it. The Mad Duke and the Ember Court make it akin to a Lewis Carroll Vampire novel, it’s hilarious and amazing.

The Tea Party (and Tea Tales) plus his Parasol are just enough madness. The ridiculous little flying gargoyles and the dredgers are all more hilarious than frightening (and let’s throw 5 dredgers in to get a super dredger!).

Every week my little Vulpera DK runs around getting RSVPs for folks (from other realms!) to come attend my party, I pick out decorations, food, and entertainment, so I can have food fights, offer tea, judge souls, bring in animals, occasionally someone gets murdered, I even sometimes get to drop kick thieves off the cliff.

The Mad Duke forcing Garrosh to atone while attending insane tea parties with Vulca, Gubbins, Tubbins, and Sybille would be amazing.

Then once he’s reached a certain point? Garrosh and Kael’thas in a buddy cop role? With the Accuser and Theotar in the background overseeing them and commenting on their progress? Sometimes Sybille jumps in making weird comments that somehow everyone else understands?

I cannot beg Blizzard enough for this. Please make this happen.


I love Theotar and his breastlike-hairbuns. I’m not the biggest fan of the Revendreth or Maldraxxus aesthetics but the characters in both zones are really charming and charismatic. The inversion of likeability and quirky softness with the stereotypically “monstrous” or “villainous” is something I appreciated about the Horde back in the day, and I hope to see it make a return to form.


I’m afraid not.

But as bad as what I saw there, I just started the Bastion campaign and what happens as part of the Ascension process was infinitely worse.

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Kosak and Afrasiabi’s stories clashed causing a lack of cohesion!

Incidentally Kosak’s leaving allowed Afrasiabi to villain bat Sylvanas and the Horde causing rage from the Horde Players which it seems ultimately led to Afrasiabi’s ouster.

The Story now should only have major conflicts between the Cutscenes and the Quests rather than conflicts between Quests and Quests!