I may not pvp, but I’m not going to ask that they be forced to turn off warmode for those zones. And yes, I do know there are jerks among the pvp crowd who aren’t polite enough to return the favor. That doesn’t give me an excuse to be a jerk.
I can see reasonable alterations for warmode, like perhaps a slightly slower flying speed JUST for warmode.
But outright removal would basically be nothing more than behaving like a jerk to them.
Lmao. No thanks. Although would not have a problem with them reverting from master riding skill back to Artisan skill speed as long as we could fly after getting to max level.
What if flying were faster?
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Flying should be faster not slower.
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What if you breathe less often a day?
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But their PVP impacted EVERY zone because of all of them jumping onto the wagon in WoD during the no flying garbage… It didn’t impact just one zone or the current expansion, but all zones and all expansions… So yes I am willing to ‘be that guy’… If they want changes to flying it needs to be in their phase and their phase alone.
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I actually think its almost at the perfect spot. It could be a touch faster, but not too much faster.
Maybe 450% being top speed. I remember when speeds were not additive and I was able to push 492% (may be off on the exact percentage) and it felt a bit too fast for me.
But that’s just me personally. Especially considering that if you’re out hunting for ore / herbs, the map can’t update fast enough even at 380% so you could zoom past ore nodes and never even know it.
And like I said “I’d have nothing against them making warmode specific adjustments”.
Adjustments and not Removal.
I understand your frustration, and I do feel over the years pvp has done more harm than good to the pve game as a whole. However, there comes a time you have to be the better man and ask for positive growth for both sides even if the other side has done you harm.
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I used to be that person… I used to support the PVP community even though I really only set foot in it when I needed to… But I’ve gone far past my limit. Personally I wish their portion of the game would die a quick and horrible death.
I understand you, but again, I disagree. And I’m going to strive to be polite about it.
I can only hope that moving forward blizzard is smart enough to make changes that benefits everyone. And that’s why I speak up when I see them making mistake after mistake. Because I remember the glory days and I believe if they can drop their ego, they can make WoW into something that will endure.
It’s also personal for me. You see, my father was a bloody genius. Ham radio, Electronics, mechanics, welding, programming(at the binary level), web design, building remote controlled boats & airplanes, what else?
You get the picture.
But, he got burned once by his Union and swore he’d never work for another man again. He was blinded by his EGO. He could have been the next Bill Gates, but he couldn’t swallow his pride for a time and work for another man as he moved up in the company.
Instead he died an old man, with nothing to his name.
Blizzard reminds me too much of my father. They’re so consumed by their ego and pride they refuse to admit they’re going the wrong direction. One that will have them eventually die as a “nobody” company.
And thats why we need flying in Dungeons and Raids.
If it means not putting up with pathfinder… I could live with slower flight speeds.
Pathfinder should not be required for flight. It should be there to help alts level faster. Kind of like an heirloom item. Also if the content is going to be smaller, let us say the size of WoD, 150% would be better. Once the content becomes outdated flight speed should be turned to back to normal.
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I read your post just fine. You made a statement about things being lost when flight is added. That’s not an objective truth. It’s an opinion. It’s one very clearly lots of people do not agree with. I corrected your incomplete statement by adding in “FOR YOU”. And when you become the arbiter of who is and isn’t allowed to post I’ll care about your demand not to. Maybe if you don’t make incorrect statements people won’t have to correct them for you and then you won’t be butthurt and demand people not post things you don’t like that are true. How bout that?
They did that with the Tome of Cold Weather Flying, which I think was added in Cata.
Cold Weather Flying was in Northrend.
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I know. Around 4.0 they added an heirloom item to a vendor in Dalaran that let your alts learn Cold Weather Flying early. Back then the normal requirement was 77.
You tried to act like everyone had ways to navigate around dangerous mobs.
So, why don’t YOU pony up the classes that CAN.
I’ll start.
Druids / Rogues can stealth past mobs.
Tank specs are immune to daze so they can simply ride past them.
The problem crops up that while you may be able to CC one or two, if you’re dealing with mobs that are communal, the second they realize you’re there, they’ll call for help. And in many areas mobs come in groups. So you can’t CC the entire group without drawing Aggro.
Which means you can’t mount up and you’re running on foot.
Sure, a number of classes have ways to drop Aggro, but these are typically on CDs so they can’t use them constantly.
Trash mobs are built so that you can’t easily bypass them. Blizzard designs terrain so that while you’re on the ground you have to go through them or go out of your way, wasting your Valuable Time, just to get to your goal.
And then Blizzard does stupid things like putting WQ targets butt cheek close to a flagged horde / alliance hub.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.