Then what would you do? Wrath was blizzard’s go at designing for flying and i personally think the mark was not hit.
Again, no thanks. Flying speed is fine exactly as it is right now. If you don’t want to fly, don’t fly. If you want to fly slower, fly slower. Have at it!
I agree with all of this, but as far as the current implementation of flying goes … I’d rather have it than not.
If they were to change flying to be more like a glider - in that you can clear a zone with a good run-up and preparation but can’t just noclip your way around, I’d totally agree. Flying can absolutely coexist with compelling world content, and we don’t have to have Pathfinder to do it.
I know discussing other MMOs here is taboo, but look at Guild Wars 2. The Gryphon there is a beautiful example of a flying mount - with some preparation, it can skip over swathes of content. But if you don’t have a running start and some altitude, it’s just a mount that can hop.
Correction. Things are lost FOR YOU when flying comes into play. And you’re free to not fly if you want to have those things YOU lose. If a year + into the expansion mindlessly wandering around the zones is exciting, immersive, and engaging for you, awesome, more power to you. I lose absolutely nothing with flight and it vastly improves my experience.
Yeah and how many game would that trivialize? In Tomb Raider, what if Lara could fly? Tomb Puzzles and Traps and Enemies would’ve been a waste of time to make, people would just fly over them to get to the end of the level and see the next cutscene.
You can’t take away flying from WoW because you already given it to the players. All you can do is try to take it away from them sometimes. Dungeons, Raids, Indoors, Underground(except in deepholm) Timeless Isle, Argus and of course, Pathfinder.
If you can’t read don’t post
One thing I would do is stop designing mountains just to be obstacles. There is a mountain range dividing Tiragarde Sound and Stormsong. It’s big, it’s visually impressive, and it takes up a fair chunk of map real estate.
It’s also completely empty. It’s wasted space, with nothing to be explored or discovered on the ground or in the air.
It’s filler, and it doesn’t have to be. There could be ledges and valleys to explore, there could be puzzles and clues that can only be fully seen from the air.
You said in an earlier post that the spirit of exploration is lost when you can fly, but that is largely because Blizzard doesn’t really give us things to discover when we explore; it’s rare indeed that we find anything of interest in an area that’s not a designated quest objective, whether that area is reached by climbing to the top of a mountain, or delving into a cave.
If flying mounts moved only as fast as ground mounts (it makes sense they’d be faster, but for the sake of the argument), I think that would balance them out a lot. You’d still have the freedom to navigate terrain without traversing the entire map in a matter of minutes. I’d be for a flight reduction speed if that caused them to bring flight back, and I mean for real, not pathfinder.
This character is freshly leveled through island expeditions, I don’t find Kul’Tiras compelling four characters in so I skipped all of it and went straight to Nazjatar and got benthic’d out. To do pathfinder I’d be going totally out of my way at this point, so I’m never going to do it. Kul’Tiras is essentially obsolete content at the moment, I have no reason to be there (well I still utilize Boralus) other than doing pathfinder, and the only way I could see doing it would be if most of it just kind of happened as a natural byproduct of leveling, which it currently as implemented does not, even if you try you’ll be finishing it off for probably a few weeks minimum. I don’t have exact figures because I haven’t done it so I’ll let others speak to that.
At this point I’d have to spend way too much time I could spend farming pearls. Now given, zones like Mechagon and Naz are a mess to move around in, so flight is desirable, but I’m not going to work doing things I hate, completing quests and grinding rep are two of my least favorite activities, just to have it taken away and asked to do another full spectrum grind halfway through the next expansion. If I was subbed that whole year, maybe, but I know I won’t be, so it isn’t worth it. After such an endeavor I’d be so burnt out from feeling like I “had” to do things I didn’t want to do, it would be grinding an AR all over again only probably worse, like, four months off bad. Rather just get used to being on the ground, clearly that’s where they want us to be.
I have seen more fliers this expansion than last, surprisingly, for what it’s worth, only now it feels like this arduous thing you do so you can cheat the switchbacks and unclear terrain maps rather than something available to everyone who meets a single basic requirement. One might argue putting it in the hands of only a few makes it more unfair, not less. And they should just turn it off if War Mode is on, only cowards fly away (and I’m one of those cowards so I know).
I’m sorry but if you don’t even have pathfinder part 1 I find it hard to believe you are experiencing anything in the game. You didn’t even need to try to get it. Just play the game.
No. It’s fine the way it is,.
Ah but there are penguins up there. And a few caves. And the occasional picnic stand with a telescope.
Nope, it was 280% if you could afford it.
Nope. Flying should be obtainable as soon as you hit that expansions max level. Blizzard is just trying to raise up /played.
And now that they have control over water walking mounts, just you guys wait until we have to “fish rep” or do water walking pathfinder
Terrible idea. There should be no changes in the entire game for the sake of world PvP. If you want slow flying so people can’t get away, advocate for it for warmode only.
Yeah, only one minute? There are other mmorpgs that tried a “stamina bar” for flying. You know what players did in that game? They got a bunch of different mounts and would switch when one mount got fatigued.
It was not fun.
Now I would like to see flying become an actual game system in some fashion. Perhaps something like thermals where you get a speed boost if you fly with the wind or a speed penalty if you fly against the wind.
Perhaps even some puzzles that require flying to complete.
Make flying an integral part of the experience. Where you need flying to complete various quests.
They CAN do more with flying. They just lack the creative juices to do so.
Except there are entire quest chains and even zones that require flying. And I’m not going to ask they remove flying from warmode because that’d mean anyone in warmode wouldn’t be able to do those quests or zones.
And warmode already has ways to deal with people flying around. It’s functional. Sadly there are too many pvpers who are butthurt that they can’t use it to gank people in out of the way places without help flying in to make it a free for all brawl.
They want easy kills, and flying makes it harder to get them.
I don’t think they can, the engine was simply never designed around it. Think of Vash’jir, a zone completely designed around being underwater, which is similar in mechanics to flight. Most people hated it, because of trying to deal with the z axis all the time in a game designed to work primary on the x and y axis.
Yeah well if PVP’rs want changes to flying I’ll ONLY accept it if it pertains to their phases… period. Currently I have to suffer through most of an expansion without it. Enough is enough… Now they have a very easy way to get out of PVP mode if they don’t want to deal with other pvp’rs.
Except not every class has means to navigate through dangerous mobs. That is the inherent flaw in your thinking. There are classes that simply have no realistic options to bypass mobs of annoying trash.