What if flying were *slower*?

Oh I’m not against it. If you assume that then i guess that’s how you view flying.

Or . . .

What if the world was BIGGER. Because part of what used to make the world awesome was that it felt huge.


Ulduar achievement for mounts use to reward it as well

I’m glad it increased your fun in PvP. Perhaps they really should consider implementing different rules for warmode vs non-warmode, because while lack of flight seems to have made your content better, it simply made reaching my content more time consuming.

[quote=“Pocketbuster-nagrand, post:23, topic:287716, full:true”] Imagine if any game where you were primarily tied to the ground just gave you unlimited flight. You’d just fly to the end boss and kill him.

We tried this in BRD. Ignored all the nobles and such standing around Moira and the Emperor, went straight for him. We didn’t pull a single one----until we attacked him and then they ALL came for us. Later that was nerfed so you could kill only him, but the point still stands. Go for the boss without killing everything else first? Get mobbed. There’s no need to strip away the best feature of the game to force players to kill trash, game mechanics of ten years ago already had that power.

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Stuff flying. Give us the ability to jump like the Hulk does in the comics.
That will be so much more fun. You’l never know where you will land.

Ok, to clarify:

I was thinking going forward. That in the next expansion, flying should be designed as a minor convenience, and not a major one.

So I should lose the 280% flying I grinded 5k gold a pieces for, on multiple chars back in TBC? No thanks.

I think flying speed should stay as is, pathfinder needs to be less of a pain.

inb4 blah blah blah, flying ruins wpvp(that doesn’t happen) and immersion, that no one cares about while they race to max level.


I must be doing it wrong, when I am flying to a place it is to do content.

I find it weird that people are so “flying ruins, this flying ruins that”

and yet the first thing out of these people mouths


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Did i say anything about mount dazes?

Edit i used to fight the naga horde, now i craftily fly around them cause flying lets me skip content.

And I used to gallop through them unless I had a content-related reason to fight. I guess riding lets us skip content, too?


Well yes totally. Otherwise you’d have to slog your way thru the war infested battle field.

As a brewmaster, I’m happy to throw down an ox statue and build a murder ball, but even though those are occasional funtimes I’m not going to call that content, or claim anyone who’d rather not do that is somehow “skipping content”. And I feel the same way about people choosing not to “slog their way through a war infested battlefield.”

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So do you notice what you are doing? You are making assumptions on how i feel and think about content and having an argument with this assumption.

It makes having a discussion poor at best.

I’d like it if the trade-off for flying was being slower - going so fast the game literally struggles to render always felt ridiculous.

… Buuut it’s too late to put the genie back in the bottle. We know how that convenience feels, now, and taking it from us would be awful.

I don’t know what you actually think, since I’m not a mind reader, but I do know that you’re equating not fighting every random mob along the road with “skipping content”.


I wish people would stop making that argument. Trivial mobs are not content.


Somewhat. I also think using your class utility to navigate around dangerous mobs to be enjoyable.

But clicking a button and then clicking some more buttons, without any real thought, challenge, or anything more meaningful occurring isn’t reallt engaging.

Its why I like the puzzle world quests. It’s something to engage with. Its why i like pre-flying world pvp, there was more use of terrain to position yourself and your allies against ever increasing odds (cause the horde will call in reinforcements). Exploring and finding things by happenstance decrease greatly. Instead of happening on stuff i mount up and intentionally look for things now.

That last tidbit is hard to describe, but its like the spirit of adventure and exploration that i feel is lost when flying is a thing.

Edit allow me to make this point since it seems to be not understood. I’m not saying get rid of flying. I’m just saying things are lost when flying comes into play.

But they don’t have to be. They’re lost because Blizzard choses to design for a ground-only game, rather than embracing flight and designing for a flight enabled game.

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Blizz also has to take into account people’s lag. For example i love the lil save the squid wq. Others hate it cause they can’t realistically save the lil squid.

If wow was a console game I’d expect flying content. But its not a flying game.

The kind of design I’m talking about isn’t anything that would be affected by lag. I’m talking world design, not quest/wq design.

Not that it would be impossible to design a flying quest that didn’t rely on low latency and quick reflexes. But my focus is more on how the world itself is built.

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