What if flying were *slower*?

Absolutely not! This is a PVE game. I don’t want a single compromise to facilitate pvp.

The bottom line is Blizz can and should design flying as an integral part of the game. Period.


So slow me down in old content when Im trying to get to an old raid to farm mogs?
Yeah…not going to be happy with that idea at all. The game is TOO huge and TOO slow as it is.
Take a hint from ESO…TRAVEL TIME is NOT the issue…poor game design is.

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I know this sort of intro is trendy now, but I can’t think of another statement that begs the reader to move on.


How about blizzard just not time gate the heck out of path finder. Then the people who want to fly can and the people who don’t want to fly don’t.

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Your idea negates the Flight Whistle and Flight Paths-- FP’s take longer than your idea would. They would be better off just adding portals and more Flight Paths then take the resources and time to balance a convoluted flight system you’re pitching-- Which is why it’s doesn’t exist anymore. :rainbow:

Also Slower flight already exist in the game @ 150%-- If you want slower flight, just don’t upgrade to the faster speeds.

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No… No… No… No… No… No… No…

The only solution i’ll accept is if flying is eliminated from Warmode… Period. I’ve paid for my flying, I’ve gone through the hoops back in the day to earn the 310 flying.

No… No… No… No… No… No… No…

and in case I’m not clear enough…


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We’re fed up of compromising. Compromising in the first place is what got us to waiting a full year then doing some garbage grind just to get flying.


Posts like yours is why people don’t like Retail. You want to diminish the game for your own personal satisfaction. This happens all too often and Blizzard ends up making stupid decisions based on poor feedback like this.

Imagine if the solution were for the dev team to stop taking the easy way out and designing only for ground travel, and instead put some thought into designing for a world where flying was baseline.


A bit too soon to declare him wrong yet.

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So how much time should we give him? A year? Until viewership and playerbase shrinks to prove him right?

The purpose of flying is to skip content. If it was slowed down then it’s a direct conflict with the purpose of it.

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Maybe more then 10 days? Maybe enough time for people to get to max level and play for a bit? Heck even before that I have already seen a ton of people stop playing classic.

He had also gone on to predict that it would be popular to start but most of those would be the tourists and what would be left was a small dedicated core.


The purpose of flying is to get to content. Riding around a mountain which has no purpose other than to be an obstacle between me and my destination isn’t content.


Slow flying is almost as bad as no flying, like, you could spit between the levels of terribleness and hit no flying from slow flying.

What content does it allow a player to skip? You’ve already done all the content at least once already just to unlock flight. Fighting mobs on the road from point A to point B is not content. And someone can choose to fight on the road even if they have flight.

If people are worried about World PVP and Flight, then maybe flight should be removed in War Mode.


And there we disagree, but i also have Flap so we may view naviagting terrain differently.

When I did pre-flying warmode it was awesome. Using my abilities and that of my allies to do strike attacks on the horde and then run away as fast as we could to a nearby mountain to use the terrain to divide and conquer the oncoming horde masses cause they were miffed that we infilitrated their city.

Now its just mount up and fly away, watch a movie, then rinse and repeat.

Are you mentally ill? Flying increases player productivity in a given time frame. Why are you against player productivity?


Why does this even matter. We have flying, we have had flying for over a decade… It will all be fine.