We don’t need to wait a year for it now. What we need is for the devs to realize that flying is one of the game’s greatest features, not a detriment to it (and then they need to design content accordingly).
It’s even awful when you do fly, because Blizzard apparently hires sixth graders who went to coding academy summer camp and don’t know how to limit the Z-axis of no-mount areas.
Super cool to see the zone as you’re falling to your death for no apparent reason.
They already made the mistake in BC. They gave people flying, at above ground mount speed, in all directions. It was like toggling on godmode and +260% runspeed and just shooting into the sky.
Way, waaaay too powerful in a videogame that at it’s core was designed around working on the ground. The ability to completely ignore terrain, ignore enemies, ignore obstacles. Imagine if any game where you were primarily tied to the ground just gave you unlimited flight. You’d just fly to the end boss and kill him.
Even 10 years later, they can’t figure out a way to make flying and combat work properly in WoW, because it was never originally designed that way.
They opened Pandoras box, and they’ve tried to put it back in ever since, but you can’t.
This makes it sound like flying breaks the content. Stop making Blizzard’s objectively wrong argument sound true.
Flying broke nothing. In any expansion. It all worked. Even original WoW content was barely affected.
Spoiler alert, it was slow.
That is not what I was doing. I was removing their argument, not strengthening it. Kindly stop attacking a fellow pro-flyer.
How about we stop trying to take away the remaining fun elements from the game. Bliz keeps shaving already earned things off so much the original work is being lost. Bliz really just needs to stop gating things or removing them because “metrics”.
I didn’t unlock flying in retail or legion lol, I don’t enjoy questing for 24 hours in game played time, I cant do it id rather sit in queue for epic bgs in town atleast then I can semi afk.
got tired of quests some part into cataclysm when they introducted main storyline needed quests, not talking attunements talking that crap where you must do quests to unlock a zone or whatever
I always thought flying sound be slower the closer to the ground you got and faster the higher up you got. That and they should use something similar to the world quest system to add in weather patterns (that players can see on the map).
I understand what they want to do by slowing us down. Sadly they just take the most direct way of doing it. I think that’s where the problem lies. They lack finesse and get too heavy handed with the changes. Doing that always bites them in the rear end yet they keep coming back to the heavy handed method without learning their lesson.
I love flying, always have and always will. I love fast flying, and would never want it to slow down. The thrill and fantasy of being on a dragon, horse, cat that flies is fantastic and a HUGE part of what I love about the game.
That said I don’t mind a period of time stuck on ground mounts to learn the zones and get quests done, because quite frankly I love a ton of the ground mounts too. I do however think waiting a year is insane and that instead once you’ve completed all quests and explored the entire zone you should then be able to fly. You’ve experienced the zone, you have your immersion, you know where things are, you’ve done all of the regular stuff, not counting WQs, so let us flyyyyyy.
I would also not be against obstacles in the air that come after you, animals, mines etc AND if something from the ground fires a weapon, it should NOT be a heat seaking style, it should go straight, so you can’t technically hover afk, but while you are flying you know you can avoid things and it won’t chase and hit you anyway.
Of course I also wish they would come up with more fun things to do on ground and air, like racing. I thought we might get racing when we had a taste in Outland and then MoP, but nope, nothing.
This is obviously just my opinion and is not fact, and you know what they say about opinions.
No. Because flying around is not quality gameplay. Travel time is absolutely not what the game should be about - it is a ploy to distract people from the lack of real content.
Really I guess it’s “god mode” to take a plane instead of driving to get to a long distance because that IS ALL flying does.
If you have flying then your world should be completely flat, barren with only quests npcs standing about. No mts, trees rivers lakes or any annoying terrain that might hamper questing. No mobs about either unless directly related to quests. Straight as an arrow questing.
See how much they like it then.
Yep, what this guy said.
Don’t make flying slower, people like using flying because it’s useful. If we want people on the ground, we should make ground mounts more useful. Create mounts that crank up ground speed to 400/500% and I think we’ll start seeing people opting into the ground on their own.
Whats wrong with being a female healer?
Also: The jury isn’t out on Classic. Shouldn’t use that as a talking point.
If you want pvp go do bgs and arena like every other sane person has since 2007. Why? Because it actually gives rewards unlike world of deathballs and gankcraft.
no it wasn’t. you just bought cold weather flying at level 68. No meta-achievement necessary. I mean technically a level requirement is a goal, but it was no different than having level 70 be the level requirement in BC.
Good to know! I didn’t remember that.
I don’t want to get personal but on average how long does it take you to travel to work, go shop for groceries or events with friends?