What if... Dracthyr could adopt the "True Form" of an actual Dragon?

but it wouldn’t be a “true form” because they’re not dragons.

Well, it does seem a little ambiguous as far as I can tell, but fair enough.

What if you could simply learn a “Dragon form”, similar to how Druids can get a Treant form that is purely cosmetic in nature?

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Preferable to the sentient glitterbombs they call a “visage”.

Less is more. There’s a ton of options, but if you use them sparingly, you can get them looking presentable.

Even if you go out of your way to make them look somewhat presentable, they look…off.


I actually think this would be amazing, I approve :+1:t4:

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That would be pretty great as well. In fact, being totally honest? It’s still kind of surprising to me that they aren’t going to just transform into their own Dragonriding mount as a form.

But just viewing it through the lens of someone who loves running M+, I just really dig the idea of a dragon-form comparable in size to a Druid bear or cat form, running around or “flying” when you activate your “hover” spell or whatever to briefly cast while moving.

Seems like it would just better capture the fantasy of a “playable dragon”.


I would like them to have a passenger flightform like druids but we didnt even get tails for worgen in a decade so you are in for some years of wishful thinking here…


They stated the reasoning that they didn’t just go with the typical Dragons was that it’d be distracting or too visually in-the-way inside of raids and dungeons. I can see the complaints already with such an idea for combat.

Though I agree with simply an aesthetic form, not even visage but perhaps something in a far lesser and casual degree, like the Druid’s Travel Form complete with emotes. Then yes with that I can agree on a full-fledged Dragon form for the Dracthyr.

I am guessing size is the primary reason. Even if shrunken down they would still be larger than several players together. Imagine like 3 of them running around, covering dots on the ground.

No reason they need to be any large than a Druid cat or bear form. I don’t think anything that size would be particularly distracting, certainly no more than some of the other races we have, particularly with all the wild spell-effects and even transmogs going on.

Honestly, if they just had the general scale-color options, and maybe a couple of horns to choose from, I feel like that would totally satisfy the fantasy of a “playable dragon”.

Like I said, maybe it’s something that could even just work like the Treant-form for Druids, just being a purely visual option, maybe lacking basic animations but well enough to use in-combat?

To me, it would actually make the class/race feel much more “complete”. Flipping to your Visage while riding other mounts, crafting, or any number of other non-combat animations, but during combat, actually embracing the Dragon aspect of a literal Dragonflight expansion.

Like I said, even if you’re considered kind of a runt by MOST dragons’ standards, it would be SO COOL to actually use those flight and breath abilities AS a dragon! Moreover, I feel like that would truly sell it as being a new experience, where personally, I feel like the “humanoid lizard” model feels like kind of a half-measure, that’s honestly kind of the worst of both worlds; you don’t get to wear armor like a normal race, yet you also don’t TRULY look draconic.

And with how well-animated normal Dragons seem to be, it seems like they would have a lot of basic animations down already. Still a lot of work, I’m sure, but I feel like it would also be a pretty massive payoff.


I feel like this could be worked into a burst CD, like meta for DH. That way if they are obnoxiously large, it’s only for a few seconds, but for those few seconds YOU GET TO BE A FREAKING DRAGON.

I told my cousins that if we can mount form as a true dragon and we had temporary in combat abilities where we can be that true dragon form I’d be first in line to buy the game.

To be brutally honest I’m not a fan of a few character art and design choices historically made in wow. They obviously have the ability to knock us out with gorgeous art. Why they sometimes choose not to has always frustrated myself and my friends. Therefore I’m not expecting they do this.

If they do I’m pretty sure it will bring back a lot of old and new players alike to the game as it is a huge draw.

Remember glyphs? It’d be great to make a dragon form glyph, or maybe if devs want to stick with the whole “not quite dragon” thing they could make the dragon form look unique and kind of off like how the dracthyr human form has scales and horns, etc. Maybe even more like a wyvern or proto drake?

I tried the dracthyr on alpha. They were pretty cool. Fun aoe specs.

The animations are sort of like a caster demon form demonhunter.

I think they would have nice dragon forms if they got access to druids down the line. They are like directly connected to the emerald dream after all. And you can already turn into a drake with the sandstone drake mount.

I wouldn’t mind some glyphs to turn you into a dragon though with there big flying breath cd. Or maybe summon a dragon instead like dks of the flight you want.

For Evokers, it’s fine. Sure, whatever, treat it as dragon Metamorphosis.

For Dracthyr, it’s awful. I want Dracthyr to eventually be able to be other classes because it is not only tragic but idiotic that a race would be entirely one-note their whole existence.

Honestly if they did add something like that would rather it was just a flying mount form

Actual dragon fighting animations are pretty simple though. They can front leg swipe and breathe for damage, and that’s about it. Fighting would be tediously boring.

That said, Dracthyr are so astoundingly ridiculous looking that anything would be better.

I think given the Dracthyr now exist, and are clearly human, I would agree that they should probably also be able to pick other classes at some point. I can’t say I personally care, but it’s whatever.

I feel like, in hindsight, they should have just gone with literal “Dragons” from the very start. THAT’S something that would’ve made sense to be both a race and class. And honestly, I think that would’ve honestly made for a much more exciting announcement anyways.

Moreover, the moment they even began CONSIDERING making a “class” that was race-locked to a single race… I feel like “why don’t we just make them actual dragons?” is literally the next question you would logically ask yourself. I mean, in doing so I’d have probably considered a Tanking spec as well, but whatever.

Either way, given they’ve clearly put a ton of time into revamping the core Dragon models, it would be awesome to see a proper dragon form offered as an option. Like I said, obviously much more limited in options, but if you could choose your scale-color and style of horns, I think that would be awesome.