What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

Well I’m just making a guess really, given the premise of that other topic you posted got bleached because they don’t like criticism about removing flagged content. I was in the middle of reading that remove flag button thread and saw it go poof. I imagine because your response here sounds almost the same, but a shorter version, it might also get the axe. But maybe not. It’s pretty well buried.

Except you post repetitive threads about things you’ve already talked about. This particular thread is just a rehash of your Sept. 9th post: Admit it. You Can’t Play Wow by Yourself Anymore. You made a brand new post to keep the same argument rolling about going outside the game for help. This time you focus specifically on add-ons. Your other post had a broader context of add-ons, web guides and video tutorials.

I don’t think it’s a flaggable offense. I think people feel the topic is spammy because you’d recently addressed it (partially) in another post. In this thread you’ve gotten slightly more specific. But instead of creating this brand new thread you could have just added this onto the first discussion from Sept. 9th and built from there.

I do believe that if we can get account wide ignore on the forums, rather than having to filter through and ignore each individual alt, you’ll be getting your wish very soon. The only people that’ll keep flagging you are the serious trolls that just want to be bitter, as you said. Those who genuinely don’t like your posts can permanently put you on ignore and your threads will be filtered out of the topic list. Simple as that, no flagging necessary.

Unfortunately you don’t do yourself any favors by passively aggressively answering with responses like:

It’s like how a crazy uncle swears they aren’t racist, then makes a blatantly racist comment and blurts out obnoxiously, “Just Kidding!”

Anyways, getting back to your original topic. The add-ons I use are for role playing with friends - which the game doesn’t have tools built in for. And HealerProtection that announces in group chat when I am at 30% or below mana or nearly dead. That way there’s no blame put at my feet when a tank rolls into a boss fight on tyrannical and wipes because I get locked out cuz I’m chugging mana like it’s going outta style. I could survive without my add-ons, I’ve done so before.

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