What I want from Classic+

It’s too late for classic

One thing everyone can agree on with classic+ is classes need balancing

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yeah, a little could be done to bring things into a world of slightly better feel and play for all.

Ret and Prot paladin could use some love.

Elemental needs its burst nerfed but its sustained raised.

Marksman and Survival also needs its burst nerfed but the sustained raised.

Balance needs its burst nerfed but its sustained raised.

Shadow needs its burst nerfed and sustained raised

Feral Cat needs the elimination of feral attack power, and instead scale with weapon DPS normalized for their 1.0 attack speed that’s unique to them. This way crowd pummeler is actually trash as it should be. Also just in case nerf the crow pummeler to be unique.

Warriors just need to be nerfed in regard to rage and crit chance.

Assassination needs to be slightly buffed on sustained.

Raise the base health pools across the board, starting at level 1 and graduating up to level cap for a level cap increase of 1.5K base health.

Eliminate a lot of the BS RNG stuff that are in the game, not talking crit or miss or anything like that, but just RNG resists and RNG stuns, BY BY…

Classic really has a ton of potential, and that’s also why TBC is so good, because it was based on Classic, and did not depart from that core concept of what makes the game so fun, being the classes really are fun to play even if they are kinda busted.

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Do you really think that Blizzard would work on 2 versions of WoW?
Classic doesn’t really count because all of the content has already been done they just need to add it, developing the content is another thing.
Us getting classic was a huge surprise to me and TBC is most likely going to be a thing, the content is all planned out for TBC so i doubt that they’d do Classic+.

Do i want Classic+? Yes i do, i just think the chances of Blizzard actually doing it is extremely small.

What the dev team needs to understand is that we don’t want pruning nor rental power. That was a dev solution almost no players wanted.

If the Classic team has the power to modify the game files for later releases I would say:

  1. Make era-specific choices last forever. Such that all abilities introduced through gear, tier sets, new talents or abilities never go away.
  2. Have templates that will allow a maximum number of talents to be chosen like Classic. So a player cannot have everything. Obviously weight the more powerful stuff heavier so fewer power choices can be chosen. Think in terms of how Path of Exile does it.

That settles the problem of bloat right there without neutering build diversity.

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Players were begging for The Emerald Dream expansion for as long as expansions have been in the game. They did it crappy lip service in Legion and it wasn’t very immersive. I don’t understand how they couldn’t get enough material for an expansion out of something so important to the lore…

sigh I’d even go back to retail 100% if they really did a true Emerald Dream expac.

A big problem for the TBC and Wrath talent trees and why they did it was the additional talent points.

To compensate for more points, blizzard added +damage / healing / tanking to X,Y,Z talents to compensate for the higher levels.

They also because of the more powerful talents nerfed base abilities with less powerful max level skills because we made up for them in the talent choices.

These padding of things with talent points always annoyed me because it gave the illusion of choice and increase in power.

Really they were just quality of life improvements with a more defined way to play.

Incremental talent investments are fine. I think people really don’t care about this.

Well… it depends on how much investment it takes to get to a significant marker. I could see making routine updates to the talent tree. Expanding on it and reducing some of the points it takes to get from A to B.

But that’s still much better than the MoP talent tree.

Or budget the original 51 points worth of talents, eliminate some of the junk stuff from a Wrath like tree, so its more “vanilla” and this promotes some more interesting build options.

I think we could either trim talents of stat boosts or make skills or talents learnable through quests or drops. I dont remember tbc enough to go into details. I just remember loving everything that was done except 3 things. Resilence, arena and all my raid gear getting replace with greens. Those can easily be fix in tbc. Maybe with out resilence arena might be fun.

yeah they kinda over did it.

All that really needed to be done going from 60 to 70 was a sensible increase in stamina to make matches last longer.

Some reason they thought pvp gear and pve gear should be different. I think alot pvpers were mad they couldnt get raid gear. That is silly to think how raid gear is way easier to get then pvp in classic.

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Its crazy how much more effective it is to just raid for gear, but its also really good because now players can just join a raid team get some gear and then join the BG’s for fun instead of getting all stressed over being under geared and trying to find a full on premade.

I like some of your ideas, and some i didnt.

I like all this keeping things @60 is good too.

Things i dont think i would want as it isnt very classic.

Keep raids 20/40 man it fits with classic.
No leaving Azeroth, so Outland is off the cards, doesnt mean some TBC content can’t be used.

Disclaimer: I don’t think Blizzard will ever do classic +, TBC is just easier and less investment required.

I envisioned Classic + to maybe look something like this, with Naxx being pushed back to later date to fit the Northrend campaign. Dont shoot me

After AQ40 instead of going to Naxx, We are sent to Kara.

Upper Kara is re tuned to 20 man raid (catch up raid)
Lower Kara (crypts) made into a brand new 40 man raid.

6months later new patch. We learn of the Blood Elves at the Sunwell, We are also introduced to the Draenei. Jewel crafting added, profession update.

Blood elves remain neutral faction or they go to the Allies imo (giving horde BE was always silly, but it will stop the mass exodus of Allies to Horde) Allies get Draenei if Blood Elves remain Neutral and Horde get Goblins. Shammies stay Horde only, Pallies stay Allies only.

New raid, 20man retuned ZA (catch up raid) and a 40 man retuned Sunwell.

6months later new patch, Scourge invasion opening up Naxx 40 man raid in EPL’s.

6months later the Northrend campaign starts. Neubrian content cut from Wrath used, all raids used minus Naxx.

Maybe some class balance changes thrown in with some of the patches.

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The dream!!

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Make it diablo style… With prefixes and suffixes? So I could build my shaman tank set with defense, stam, mp5 etc.

Or rogue tank with a bunch of parry

not a terrible idea, all good vanilla ideas came from diablo 2 anyway. Portal scrolls, lets goooooo.

Not to mention that everyone has a different version of what a classic+ should/would be, and if they did classic+ they would never be able to satisfy even 20% of the population that wants it.


Would cata raids make more sense? I didnt raid in cata so no idea if the skills and raids would work.

There is a guy on reddit who made a classic + blog before classic launched that mapped out a purposed path all the way to Deathwing. Worth reading if you can find it, it is easily the best classic + thread i have seen.

h ttps://i.redd.it/85795u75r5831.png

Cant add links :cry:

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