Hey guys. Old bull talking from the dead here.
Ever since the 8.2 live show announcement of what is too come ive been hit with mixed feelings. Ive seen plenty of discussion videos both positive and negative and it got me thinking of what i truly missed of the game.
Ill be honest. I was never much of a leader. I only started up Redwood tribe as a means to continuing what i used to do with friends on this game years ago in Firetotem Tribe.
When i came back on WoD, i loved that the rp pvp community was strong here. And people had a deep and serious interest in the lore. Wanting to make their own adventures without it being story breaking.
While i wont go into the overall state of the game. I will talk about things that i do miss in this game.
Back in the days of vanilla and bits of BC, gear wasnt such a super grindy thing as it was more of a reward or badge of honor you got for those completing that rank in pvp honor or completing a story raid to finally get that drop in gear that said… “Yes! I was there and i did it. See this cool gear”
Back then it was not so much about item level. people would sometimes use a weapon that was 10 levels or more lower than them. Cause then gear was only as good as how well you played your class.
Speaking of, i miss class quests, adventures and even unique racial powers for those classes. while they stream lined the game to make it easier, it took away almost a social aspect of the game where when i was a young shaman, i used to have a mentor (shout out to Twofeather), which creates a good role play experience in my mind. We allowed to sacrifice long term fun for the sake of convenience. Where its fine in certain aspects but applying it to everything in general does not work.
Spending time to go buy abilities. While many are down for the stream lined content. One thing i do miss was the grind in skills and abilities. WoW and FFXI did this great initially with the skill points system
If they applied the skill points to specific groups of magic as well that would have been cool as well. But that is me in ranting into something else.
Socially its been harder to want to raid anymore. I mean with the gear grind of moving up item levels each patch is tedious and serves no purpose.
While i understand the overall story is being focused on Zandalar and Kul’tiras. I thought this was battle for Azeroth? Not “battle for patches of island and bits of ocean but nevermind”
In the end what all this comes down to me is this. Im getting old and tired in my old…dead age. I love this game but at the same time i love the people more. I keep playing this game for the people in my lives. Those on the best faction, and those on the alliance as well. Because to me we are all humans who love this game and each other and we want the best for each other.
Especially when we fight.
But this old bull is done rambling back to the earth mother i go. Just wanted to get this off my spiritual chest