What I love about "retail" wow

I’m not bad mouthing classic but I believe it’s just all fake hype/nostalgia with it going around. People have been playing bfa for how long, also legion which wasn’t the worst but it wasn’t the best either. People want a change of pace and they’re remembering their fond experiences of vanilla.
I think that’s going to disappear pretty quick and for the casual player base even faster because they’re spoiled/entitled when it comes to completing tasks/leveling/gearing in live and expect to get handed gear for little to no effort.

I’m not saying I hope classic fails or anything but judging by how spoiled/entitled the majority of the player base is they’ll get tired of the gear system pretty quick.
The game is a lot slower paced which is good but not so good for those that are more accustomed to live and never played vanilla.
The improvements/quality of life enhancements aren’t there. I personally hope they don’t allow addons to a certain extent. I would like to see how pissed off people get without having a quest marker on their map and actually needing to read the quest text.

I mostly miss zg/za raids, but the gearing and how everything worked was a lot slower than it is now. I remember going 3 months without a meaningful piece of gear.

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