What I expect from the next WoW expansion

First, let me preface this by saying, NO PIRATE TRANSMOG, NO SALE. I don’t care if we go to the Shadowlands, become Unliving revenants helping or resisting Helya. I want the updated model for the First Mates’ Hat COSMETIC, among other things in this article. More the hats, as cosmetic items than anything else.

That rant aside, here’s what I REALLY wanted to talk about. These are all thoughts/ideas that I found both funny and irritating, and I felt that it would make more than enough sense if one or more of the following makes it into the next expansion.

Next expansion:

  • Mission Tables and Garrisons make a return. Stormwind and Orgrimmar are our garrisons, and we are the reigning ‘lords’ of the Alliance and the Horde. (Makes sense, as this is going to be one of the final expansions to World of Warcraft, might as well go all-in on the power-fantasy of our characters becoming King or queen or whatever, Micromanaging peasants to harvest lumber, gold, Kingdom Recourses, etc. Profession buildings being built in your* stormwind, etc.)
    Along with sending champions on World quests, there’s arbitrary naval missions, and then on top of that, full scale battle missions where you send nothing but troops to deal with a problem.

  • Wrathion is going to be the final boss. He comes to the conclusion that to save Azeroth from Old God Corruption, he has to wipe out all life on Azeroth. or Channel Lei Shen or something. Bonus Points if the Expac is inevitably called “Wrath of Wrathion”

  • World Quests all over Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. I liked Asmongold’s idea for World quests in uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary types, with varying scaled rewards. I can think of several non-repeatable quests from as far back as Cataclysm that I wouldn’t mind seeing as repeatable (The one in Uldum where you’re a giant fireball OBLITERATING an endless mob of Mechagnomes)

  • All different WQ rewards for armor and trinkets, and still little to no weapon drops in RNG, queing for dungeons, or checking world quests. Gotta maintain “Player retention” somehow.

  • They’re not going to dissolve factions. if they do, then the Faction-restrictions on many armor sets/appearances would be dissolved or removed. Doubtful they’re gonna want to do that. At the very most, there’s going to be a relative peace, Calia comes to the Horde to lead the Forsaken, Sylvanas runs off into hiding, and characters can walk freely through enemy capitols, and use vendors unless warmode is engaged.

  • The Blue Riding Maccaw mount is gonna be a Cash shop exclusive.

  • Oh, the mount equipment system will go bust, it will be removed halfway through the expansion, and go the same way as expertise, Resillience, Me’dan, and other proven systems Blizzard redacted.

This is all I have right now; Thought I had more. will update my ravings and musings if I can think of anything else. Until then how about you guys? with everyone speculating and doctoring Cinematic screenshots, what do you expect to see in the next expansion?

The only point I really cared in your text is ‘‘the last expension’’ because I hope it’s true and then they can reset a WoW 2 with level 50 or 60 max. Everything new again, no flying, everyone grouping and socializing again because everything is new. Being level 130, being demi god that can kill everything just is more and more dumb every years. Let it stop already and start over (with upgraded graphics already).

I’m pretty sure Activision want World of Warcraft to end, so that they can proceed to cannibalize what’s left of Blizzard entertainment, and condemn whoever’s left to an eternity of developing Call of Duty shooters. That’s as far as I go before breaking out the Tinfoil (pirate) hat.