I plan on only doing mythic+ keys and i just bought a new desktop computer so it can handle WoW just fine, so now i wanna know what the easiest and reliable healer is for returning and or new players?
I have no clue where it lands on the meta, but meta probably isnât (and shouldnât be) your concern right now.
But RShaman to be is by far the most intuitive healer to play. It has all the tools you need, a very easy DPS rotation to weave in when youâre not needing to heal, and I find myself spending far less time starting at the raid/party frames opposed to other healers.
It is a subjective answer honestly, I ask these types of questions myself because I value input but at the end of the day it comes down to what clicks with you.
For example, I find HPAL very easy to play, HPriest and Pres Evoker second. RSham I did not find easy at all.
So I recommend watching some YouTube âhow to playâ videos to get a feel for the nuisances of each healer and obviously if you have the class, just dive in a try it out. LFR Raid is a good way to test out healing without too much stress of M+
Iâm not a healer, but I was giving it a go during the recent love is in the air event. I have to say, I genuinely enjoyed both holy priest and resto shaman. Holy is definitely the more complex of the two but seems to have just such a vast range of heals. I imagine they can offer anything you seek. Resto felt much more straight forward, but still seemed to cover all the bases. Both specs have great looking spells as well.
Again, Iâm not a healer. And beyond that event Iâve only played these specs in some very basic group content. So take my opinion with a huge grain of salt. But I still think theyâre pretty rad.
Hello I am a gnome. If you donât need to play at a very high level to be happy then this could be for you:
I want to add that if you are pugging, rsham is probably best because it has lust and a 12 second cooldown interrupt and AoE stun. You get more control over the success of the group. Itâs not hard but itâs inconvenient, a ton of buttons and stupid cooldowns like most healers rn.
For pvp, it really depends on how you play. I donât know a good answer for that. Bgs, arena, solo shuffle, with friends, etc all heavily influence this. I donât pvp at all really so canât say. Mistweaver is very good for rated bgs I think?
Raid environment is probably whatever has the best mana economy until you learn your kit. Priest kit is very straight forward and hasnât changed much over the years really. The aoe and single target spells are intuitive. Shaman aoe is riptide heavy. Monk aoe is proactive and hard to get used to at first (you roll out renewing mist BEFORE damage is going out).
For m+, fistweaver monk is extremely forgiving and scales very well as long as youâre pushing buttons. You absolutely should be doing a single target rotation though, as thatâs the source of most of your healing. Most of the kit is smart heals (meaning they automatically target low health mobs). They have insane mana economy once you learn your kit. I never fall below 70-75% mana in +20s, literally do not drink. I had one on my BDK in a 18 who was constantly out of mana, which means he wasnât drinking tea efficiently and he was wasting a ton of mana on everyone but me. So there is obviously a small learning curve.
I donât M+ but looking at the kit and the healingâŚsystem? so to speak, I would say itâs probably Holy Priest, rShaman, or Fistweaver.
Iâm told rDruid takes some getting used to because itâs premptive, same with Disc, and I personally find Prevoker to be a mess but you might really love these.
I echo this. If was right now going to pick up a healer, RShaman would be my choice. Nice Hots. The Area heal is good and rip tide is great. Also totems are fantastic. it jsut feels good to play a Resto Shaman. It might not be meta and you might not push level 30 keys or what ever BS edge lords are pushing now adays. but Resto feels good.
I donât know anything about M+, but I would say Resto Shammy is probably the most straight forward and easiest to pick up. I donât think itâs the best healer in terms of the meta, but itâs simple to understand.
Iâve played every healer so far this xpac to KSH, at minimum. I can finally, confidently answer a question like this, woohoo!
Resto shaman or holy priest are your best bet. These healers have simple rotations and lots of cds to work with. They are both reactive healers and are very good at responding to unexpected damage. These are simple, beginner friendly healers - highly recommend.
Hpal, Resto druid, and evoker are intermediate in difficulty. They have more complex rotations and require you to have some level of preemptive setup before damage happens. You can give these a shot if youâre up for more of a challenge and a more involved kit.
If youâre an absolute beginner, I would steer clear from Mistweaver or Disc priest. They are complicated and have the nuance of needing to perform on the DPS meters in order to heal. Maybe give those a try once you are more familiar with healing.
If youâre interested, add me on btag: MistyFox11670. Dungeon healing is my passion in WoW and I always try to keep my knowledge of all the healing specs up to date.
Iâm biased to Mistweaver so play that because itâs the most fun healer (clearly not subjective at all, nope).
I would avoid resto druid or disc priest just because the premeptive heal style makes it easy to fall behind if you dont have good pre-fight knowledge for cooldown line up.
Preservations also a little harder just because of the limited range, your group needs to play around that for efficent healing which pugs arent great at.
Of the remaining 4; mistweavers really good right now for raw healing, shamans got great utility for pugging keys with a decent answer to every affix, idk about holy priests.
Theyâre literally all easyâŚ
Just pick one and go
Hpals: am I a joke to you?
I thought you all rerolled ret; i havent seen one in so long.
But yah OP if you already have that pally as your main you could always try out holy; i havent heard much about them in awhile cause ret and prot where so dominant this season but i think theyre fine.
I am a healer main and have played all the heal specs except disc priest. As cliche as it sounds, the best healer is the one you enjoy the most. Test them all out and see what jives. All of the healers are capable of doing keys into the +20s.
You need to decide what kind of healer you want to be. Melee or ranged? Reactive or proactive. So, again, test them all.
Iâm a MW (caster hybrid build, not fistweaver) main, but Iâve recently been getting more into resto shaman. Very different play styles. I may swap mains for the next season.
Hi I am Elk and my picks are Mistweaver and Resto Shaman. Resto Shaman is easier between the two because the âfunâ FW style of Monk relies on your damage but Iâll get into why both are good picks.
Resto Shaman has a lot of good things going for it. It has a passive build which saves a lot of mana but can be rocky into the high 20s. The Mastery is lovely - more healing the less HP the target has. It is also a class which gives you a lot of uptime to damage once you master the healing aspect, but largely keeps them separate.
Mistweaver recently got nerfed because our healing output was too good. Itâs a pity because we got a nerf to the other channeling build like a month ago.
HOWEVER the effort of learning how to Fistweave gives the most satisfying gameplay loop feedback returns Iâve ever experienced healing;
- Unaffected by things that tell you to stop casting.
- Can heal incredibly well on the go.
- Getting into the rhythm of resetting your Jadefire Stomp pretty easy and having EF as a backup.
- no mana issues when FWâing
Mistweaving is why I consider medium difficultly class but it doesnât have a very high ceiling and very worthy of your consideration