What Happens After Cata Classic?

Fine, would you prefer I call you a crackpot with your insane theories?

Do you think itā€™s merely a coincidence that Blizzard is doing the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria around the same time that it got permission to expand back into the Chinese market?

Yes. Whatā€™s more likely going on is that Pandaria Remix is partially being used to gauge general interest in it for Pandaria Classic, while also being a follow up event to Plunderstorm to tide retail over until TWW

Nevermind the mildly racist implications of the Asian-inspired expansion specifically being used to attract the Chinese market. Next youā€™re going to say theyā€™re turning mage food into chicken and watermelon to attract the African American community

How is it racist, exactly, to say an expansion that celebrates themes from Chinese culture and mythology would be more popular among people who grew up in Chinese culture?

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By saying that the only reason for the content to exist is specifically to appeal to them

No one said it is the only reason, they are saying that Blizz has an ulterior motive based on prospective earnings. Which part of that is discriminatory against the Chinese people that they are accusing Blizz of attempting to appeal to? Just trying to find the racism here

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My favourite expansion Iā€™ve been in the waiting room for it since Classic TBC launched but I gotta be honest, after this absolute clown show for Cata Iā€™m kinda scared how MoP will turn out.

The ā€˜gauge general interest in Pandaria Classicā€™ reasoning doesnā€™t make sense. You donā€™t gauge interest in a Classic server via modern gameplay and Retail sub demographics. You sell MoP Classic to the people subscribing along the TBC, Wrath, Cata train.

The racism nonsense is just a lazy attempt by you to poison the well. Thatā€™s gross behavior, and Iā€™m not interested in engaging further with someone who acts like that.

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Poisoning the well is exactly it, wish that phrasing was more obvious to me

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Aight then, crackpot

There was no racism here, and this person knows it. Theyā€™re just trying to poison the well.

Weā€™ve both been on the Internet long enough to recognize the diseased mind of a habitual troll.

Honestly I just assume most people are bad at reasoning about the particular topic at hand if they seem unreasonable, but I give everyone the benefit of doubt

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Especially when you consider how MoP was not particularly loved in China. Anyone who used the Taiwan realm forums back then will remember posts about how it was a ā€œracist parody of Chinese cultureā€ as they put it.

MoP was mostly well-received within China. But the Hour of Twilight patch was particularly hated. That caused the greatest loss of subs during the original MoP era. Not the introduction of the Pandarian as a race, or the Asian elements throughout the expansion, and so on.

Donā€™t assume that Internet trolls are indicative of the entirety of a community or demographic.

I think it is a mistake to use forum posts to gauge overall reception of the expansion in China

The forums are generally going to be negative because people more often complain than praiseā€¦ Satisfied customers tend to not post feedback unless they are VERY satisfied - they are busy playing


Cannot wait lol. Shadowlands classic after legion classic to.

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