What Happens After Cata Classic?

So once cata classic is over do we reset again cuz if we go further down to mop and warlords its pretty much just old retail since most stuff from retail that is current is from mop, war lords

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Pandaria Classic


WOD classic

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MoP is BiS bro its coming and will be very popular


after Cata we’ll get MoP. whether we then get WoD is another issue, since MoP is almost universally praised whereas WoD is almost universally hated. we may very well keep these progression servers that just go until it reaches retail (or the expansion before it) and then they do another wave of progression servers starting all over again


that seems promising

Same thing we do after every expansion Furry. :mouse: :mouse2:

Mostly what I’ve heard people didn’t like about WoD was content drought, which wouldn’t be an issue on an accelerated timeline, and Legion seems to have been well liked overall.



I will go as far as they go with this and stop with DF (again)

I personally hope they roll these servers over to Retail, either after Cata or after MoP. I suspect MoP, on account of Blizzard moving back into the Chinese market. There is going to be a continuous push into that market.

But I think it’s a waste of time and money to keep the servers going to catch up to Retail. EverQuest does this, and those servers die completely long before Live (EQ equivalent of WoW Retail servers). It’s a waste of resources.

At least if they convert the Cata/MoP servers to Retail, we can push towards modern content actually having emotional investment in our characters. Leveling 1-70 now on Retail just means you seen some pretty pixels and then are surrounded by androgynous dragons. It makes it hard to care.

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I am not sure I understand this???

Blizzard wants to regain ground in the Chinese market. That’s probably why they’re doing the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria event.

I suspect Blizzard will commit to a MoP Classic, for a similar reason. It’s a way to get back big into the Chinese market.

Once that’s over, we’d probably have the servers locked or rolled into Retail servers which I hope is what happens.

Here, you dropped your tinfoil hat

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Pandalands classic.

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I am going to enjoy Cata, but I cannot wait for MoP Classic. Going to be a fun couple of years :smiley:

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It’s already “old retail” with Cata. No one knows how it goes but I think that population numbers are going to drop substantially compared to TBC and Wrath classic, because Cata is no longer the classic game. If numbers drop enough then the whole Classic project ends with Cata classic. Which is probably for the best.


Probably MoP Classic → WoD Classic → Legion Classic

I’m interested to see what happens with MoP remix. Anything beyond Mists seems really redundant for classic era servers. They should just keep a single era server for both TBC and WotLK after Cata’s run has passed. And call it there in my opinion.

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I don’t get why people keep asking that question when the answer is obvious. It has nothing to do with anyone’s personal definition of what retail is. As long as an expansion is sufficiently profitable blizzard will release the next expansion. If Cata is a success MoP will follow. If MoP is a success WoD will come ect. The only thing that will stop the classic train is an expansion that has so few players that it loses blizzard money.

What an obnoxious and disrespectful comment.