What happened to "WARFARE" <H>..... :(

Hey Tankin! Long time since I’ve seen those great names! Plz tell them I said hey! I’ll be in Arathi Basin in spirit with you guys. And if I create a horde toon, I’ll pick that server :slight_smile:

Oof hope its not to late to post, old vanilla warfare person here under the name Sinnj (Mage) or Cryn (absolute worst shaman ever), I miss warfare folks so much. I know Hazen, myself and Blackgallon are going to be hitting up classic at some point soon. I’ve been in touch with Karmulo and Rahjen, but otherwise I’m at a loss, would love to know where people are playing. Currently I am on Stalaag classic, but if warfare ever had a classic get together on a server, I’d Jump ship. Has anyone seen Open? Would love to know how that loveable derp is doing, Milvel as well (ali side friend back in the day)

Milvel from Trans? I’ve been looking for him! I posted on the alliance side 2004-2006 search thing. Going to have to stalk Thalnos then, through another 45345345 person queue.

Someone say hi to Rahjen & BG for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool Cats had stat stolen by Warfare. Warfare always number 2 guild. Never number 1 guild. Always try to be us in vanilla. Never could. Always bad.

Done and done! I have them both on FB

Cool Cats and Warfare here. I stumbled across this old dead thread while doing some research and I’m going to toss it a res.

Ritalin (Undead Warlock)
Arshes (Undead Mage)

Pinston “Pins” is on Eonar.

Dakaf is around, but rarely.

Anaugi has quit mostly afiak.

Boasa is still playing over on Zul’Jin and other servers.

I’m now over on Zul’Jin with < Ember >. IIRC some < Warfare > members came over to Zul’Jin with < Ember > mass transfer.
I was purged from CC at the end of AQ40 due to attendance and joined Warfare. Continued playing with Warfare up through WotLK.
I really miss the BC days. It was a glorious time a spamming chain heal and stacking PVP trinkets.

Hey Warfare friends! I posted way at the beginning of the thread but I was Ojimbly the orc fury warrior. I came back for classic as well, rolled horde on Azuresong PvE server, name’s Paak (Tauren Druid). I know a lot of us are scattered on different servers but if anything materializes I’d love to be part of warfare again!

There’s a guild on Classic Stalagg-US Called Toxic. it had at launch a lot of old Blackhand names from Vanilla/BC from both horde and alliance. I’m not sure of its current state but at the outset it was a “Blackhand Allstars” guild.

Former infamous Scarab Lord Rend-Blackhand of Cool Cats, first level 60 horde or alliance on server and thus 8th in the world, necromancer of dead threads, reporting for throm’ka da’bu zug zug. Likely one of not many who played classic that were autistic enough to get Scarab Lord twice. Also forsaken by Izhuzul maybe this can be the turning point like when an adopted person finds their biological parents but instead more important.

also anyone playing classic TBC?

WOWW. The nostalgia. I was in Blackhand for a yea (i think) during TBC and beginning of WOTlk. I remember it so fondly, what a terrific guild.

troll mage, Cyntil