What happened to Tirisfal?

I still don’t see that as a good move. This is supposed to be a time of peace and a member of the faction responsible for destroying Theramore in the first place moving into its crater doesn’t sound it’s going to endear them to the Alliance much.


I don’t disagree with this. I have said for a long time the Sylvanas needs to go in order for the Forsakan to get an identity beyond just being her minions. And, well that is what is happening. Sylvanas is on the way out and they are getting development.

Which is the point I was making. It was implied that the villain bat meant the Forsaken did not and would not get development. But they did. And there has been set up for further development. So, the claim was categorically false.

Look, I absolutely agree that the Forsaken have needed more than just being minions of Sylvanas for a long time. Outside Sylvanas they have probably only ranked above Gnomes in terms of development. So, yes they needed it. But they are getting it. Maybe not as fast or as much as some want. But it is there.

Oh, wow. Someone went on a mass report spree. Why tho

I never complained about it because I thought it was a given that both sides would get their homelands back.

Boy howdy, was I wrong. Good golly do I love Horde favoritism.


What I don’t understand is if we expected both sides to get their lands back then what even was the point of the war? Hopefully there is closure to it in Shadowlands for both the Night Elves and Forsaken and the culprit of the entire pointless war being Sylvanas is put into her final grave. We can finally move on and forget the pointlessness of BfA.

To have a fun war expansion. Blizzard didn’t get that memo.


That’s what they made it seem like but they stopped midway through BfA. They could’ve done some cool things with warfronts but they just scrapped the idea. I guess they didn’t like the idea of battlefields being on both Alliance and Horde zones or something. I thought a Barrens Warfront would’ve been cool. I was hoping for it cause maybe they could’ve updated and removed that horrid lava split in the Barrens.

They made it seem like BfA was a battle for the future of Azeroth and would totally change it. So much for that, lol.

If the story was actually sticking with a “Red Kalimdor, Blue EK”, then I would think it cool for the Forsaken to settle in Dustwallow - just not Theramore itself. (I’d mainly be busy ranting because I think kicking the factions out of their half of a continent is a stupid idea, though.)

Thinking on it more, I feel like the core requirement for a fun faction war is to show every facet of each side getting to do what they’re cool at.

Orcs plowing unstoppable through a battlefield, tauren throwing enemies around like twigs, night elves launching devastating ambushes, gnomes turning the tide with wacky gadgets, goblins creating giant explosions, blood elves doing fancy superior magic stuff, nightborne… also doing fancy superior magic stuff but more purple, draenei deploying vindicators and awesome crystal tech, undead being spooky scary nigh-unkillable horrors on the battlefield… This list could go on forever.

The beginning of the expansion, in hindsight, looked like they wanted to do that but didn’t have the time to finish it or the units weren’t done yet, so instead we got a bunch of grunts and bog-standard demolishers against a few trees and druids and Sentinels. Not that bad, but it didn’t feel like the full might and ingenuity of each faction was brought to bear. And then the story was so bad that it became really difficult to feel pride in each side’s lobotomized, plot-strangled characters.

Warfronts actually did a pretty good job at showing off the neat variety of troops - Arathi had the rotating special units around their commanders, including Blood Knights, Vindicators, Mountaineers, etc, and Darkshore had a neat full variety of night elf and Forsaken units. And the armor was awesome.

I wish warfronts had a bit more replay value so that we could have gotten more of them - showing off, say, tauren and orc armies in the Barrens, or the full blood elf class variety in Eversong. I kinda hope they keep tweaking the warfront system, so that we can keep getting the troop representation and themed armors.


The trailer for the expansion hinted at it, but damn they fell flat almost immediately. The Horde’s quests weren’t even about the war effort most of the time. They were about Zandalar. Meanwhile, the Alliance’s was about the war effort and kultiras’s throne.

I’m also pretty let down by them. Warfronts and Island Expeditions were hyped up so hard and they were both what I was most excited for. The only things I really got out of this expansion were upright orcs and I can transmog Shadowmourne, finally.

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Yeah. It definitely suffered from having two (now three) expansion-tier plots getting chopped up to all fit within a single expansion. I love Kul Tiras and Zandalar and wish they were their own expansion instead where we could fully explore their growth.

Come to think of it, there wasn’t even a huge changing-over-time impact on Kul Tiras and Zandalar from the faction war. There were incursions, but those were temporary. Even the faction outposts the player establishes during levelling are tiny and almost all temporary. The faction beachheads in Pandaria had a stronger faction war impact on the expansion’s continent than BFA had on either of its two expansion continents.


Well, it’s like I said elsewhere. Blizzard successfully divided Horde fans against themselves, so there was no concerted outcry to address Horde problems, and only subfactions of Horde squabbling with one another, allowing Blizz to safely ignore them.


Show me on the map where he touched you.


Tirisfal has obviously been cleared for its Kings return.

Though seriously. I suspect some new form of monstrosity or terror will be born from its wreckage.


Nothing has been said about you being wrong. All evidence is that the Alliance did not stay in Trisfal, do not have a presence there now, and have no sign of making any claim on it. In other words, the logical explanation is that the Forsaken do control it, even if they don’t rebuild there in the near future. It is the same way we can logically conclude that the Night Elves control Ashenvale we can logically conclude the Forsaken control Trisfal. So, both sides do seem to have their homeland back.

The differences:
*Darkshore was a Warfront, Trisfal was not. This means there was an active Horde effort to hold Darkshore.
*The Night Elves suffered MUCH more significant damages.
*The Night Elves were largely ignored for most of the expac post the War of Thorns.

Those make it kind of necessary for Blizzard to address who controls it. And given the past with them telling us in interviews that ‘Oh, yah Alliance won there’ but not showing or reflecting it in game they kind of needed to at least show something. And they did the bare minimum to have something reflected in the game. A quick, low quality cinematic was it. Its status still wont be shown in game, at least not in the foreseeable future. So, ultimately there is really not a huge difference in the end result of either zone.

Well, good…I guess.


I am squinting so hard at this.

Night elves lost:
-A city
-Allegedly a bunch of vendors.

Undead lost:
-Their culture
-Literally all of the vendor npcs. They may still be alive, but they’re just as removed from the game as Darnassus’s were.



The forsaken have basically been deleted from the game, both in terms of characters and even their back story. The forsaken lost pretty much their entire cast of characters. The NE still have one of the largest rosters in the game, rivaling that of the entire HORDE.


What is Undead culture? :joy:

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Their revolving around plague research, being Sylvanas’s toadies, the actual people of Lordaeron. Take your pick.


So much this, in the end the tragedy for the Night Elves makes them more interesting as a race - gives them a struggle and something to overcome. The Forsaken had huge losses - both of usable land and notable characters - and the whole idea of being forsaken was twisted into something entirely different and more depressing, and then not developed or resolved.

The Night elves were given the forsaken’s ‘survivor who will now do what it takes’ backstory and the Forsaken are just…what is our lore now just that we are weak and fell for a huge reconned long con from Sylv?


I don’t think Tirisfal was ever in contest. The occupying force (the Alliance) was routed from its holding. Horde forces occupy the northern reaches of the EK. The big problem is; the capitol is scoured, as is the countryside, save for a few pockets.

It’s no man’s land and nobody can occupy it, not even the Forsaken. Maybe in ranging forces, to oust any would-be claimants, but not hold it while the Capitol, that had great standing walls, is blighted.

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It seems to be a blighted wasteland full of hostile undead that attack on sight.

They do not wish to expend energy on updating undercity and they updated the main map to show the damage sylvanas caused… so I think its habitability is about as good as teldrassil’s.