What Happened to Timewalk Dungeons?

I just came back to WoW for the 20th anniversary event and had hoped to run Timewalks to catch up. Throughout the expansions, I’ve collected some of the best pieces of gear I could find specifically for timewalks since in the past, the gear item levels scaled to match the dungeons. However, since I’ve been tanking, I’ve noticed I am getting absolutely destroyed. I’ve wiped the group several times, and even a few groups have disbanded. Even pulling a 3-4 enemy mob can drop me to 0 health before the healer gets a cast off. This is very different than what I remember, where I could pull multiple mobs and still survive.

So what happened? Do items no longer scale to dungeons, or have tanks just been obliterated?


They swapped how the scaling works.
You used to scale down to the dungeons level, but now the dungeon scales up to your level.

It may not sound like a big difference but it can create some pretty large waves numerically speaking, which may be some of the pain points you’re experiencing.

It essentially killed off the whole Timewalking set Min-Max collecting cool old OP pieces of gear.


Blizz detected fun n eliminated it.


Dang. That makes me sad. The fun in running timewalks was farming for gear to maximize my timewalk power.

Thanks for clarifying though. I was feeling bad wiping my team as many times as I did, and I didn’t know what I was doing wrong.

I guess ill be have a whole lot more bag space in my bank since most of my gear is obsolete now


Yea, TW twinking has been killed off. It’s been replaced by just being some random low level and then the scaling goes wild.


They appeared to have accomplished the opposite of what they wanted to do with scaling changes.


It was with a heavy heart that I retired my timewalking set to the bank. What a horrible decision on Blizzard’s part.


I miss when timewalking was so chill you could run it with PUGs and have no issues.
these days it’s as if they want us to sweat 24/7 no matter what content we’re playing


Oh you mean the special timewalking stuff? The TBC timewalking queue is still fine.

They wanted to destroy the anniversary event, not sure what’s up with that, I’m not touching it.


I’ve been trying to play tw as an 80 but have been getting one shot by random aoe.


It’s honestly more effective now to just make a low level character (10 Mistweaver or 11 Warrior, for example), and run them through to get inflated iLvl pieces from drops, and smash out the dungeons for Trader’s Tender or something.

Heck, scaling is so busted in LFR BRD that I was just using geared alts from DF and below to crush a couple wings real quick for Bronze Celebration Tokens (since the bosses and minibosses drop them after you hit 100 and get the achievement).

But real Timewalking was killed, as Blizzard had intended to, and announced they would. It was a game mode they had never liked existing, and neglected any bug or scaling fixes to for years, while nerfing it. For example, we were way more overpowered in it during WoD when things like Shadowmourne were GOD-tier items back then, but effectively trash in the modern versions in favor of items like Singing Crystal Axe.

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Fun was being had so Blizz deemed it had to die, many of us could probably still hear the screams as they murdered it as it did not go quietly into the night. Really is sad that a game developing company forgets the most important rule about games in that it has to be fun… only a matter of time before their greed kills the game itself if they keep doing such stupid things as kill the fun in the game


In short, they made it so leveling in timewalking can kill you. Once you cross into TWW levels, if you aren’t wearing TWW gear it’s going to hurt. A lot.

That, and TW-Twinking gear like old legendaries and trinkets became useless.

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kind of like how the casting changes in m+ that were supposed to make stops less important actually made them more important.

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I hadn’t thought of the possibility that there would still be players unaware of this questionable change in TW scaling, and it might partially explain why I’ve had such a hard time healing for them. Could it be that some of the other players are unknowingly sabotaging our run by wearing extremely sub-par gear?

While my gear (582) isn’t at raid level, it should still be more than enough for TW dungeons…yet most of the time, my best spells barely move the group’s health bars, and the rest are getting one-shot executed by trash mobs. This is particularly true in Mana Tombs.

This poorly effected change is indicative of Blizz’s continued deviation from assuring player satisfaction (fun) in favor of investor satisfaction (obscene profit), which completely disregards what made the game such a resounding success back in the day.


They went back in time to being a little more difficult

I noticed that level 80 folks take big hits, while me on a level 70 can take a few without losing much HP.

At the same time, sometimes the DPS is so low that we fight a boss for minutes, while at an other time, the boss dies in a few seconds.

Scaling is weird, so are the item rewards. Back in the days I used to gear my xp locked toons through TW, but now, the gear that drops is even below the quest rewards. :upside_down_face:

TW has lost it´s appeal, unless it´s a nostalgic trip or transmog run.


Its pretty much just a time sink to get mounts/mogs at this point.

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Bonkers that you feel stronger at level 12 than you do at 75, or heck, even 80. It makes leveling feel counterproductive.


having a timewalking gear set was too close to “twinking” so it was destroyed. imagine ruining one of the only places players could actually min/max stats lol.