What happened to the War in Warcraft?

Really? Another one of these?

You could make a religion out of these thre-- please don’t.


THAT I agree with. Wholeheartedly. We don’t need another BFA, clearly the plot isn’t there for a Great War. But just give me classic stuff ya know?

Dwarves having conflicts with trolls, like the Reventusk, or blood elves and forsaken being attacked by night elves.

The alliance and horde are like… a loose confederacy, it would be a great move to make the individual factions do their own thing from time to time.

Proxy wars would be an interesting idea.

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Pretty sure the people making these threads already pray at a certain streamers altar.


… I was going for the bill wurtz “history of the entire world, i guess” video reference.


It ended in the final cutscene of WCIII.

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I like the factions getting along. It makes sense, because anyone that can think should understand that getting along in the world is much, much better than not.

Evil, on the other hand, doesn’t care about any of that; it only wants power and control. So, the heroes of Azeroth come together to dispose of said evil so the world can exist in peace. :v:t2::heart:



Faction war is dead. Stop trying to dig up the remains.


At war versus those factions you mentions feels boring?

Alliance and Horde were at war for decades, there was a strong despise for each other, then in BFA the leader of the Horde does massacres an Alliance race and only a minor bodyguard character payed for it?

Then the leader of the massacre self imposes her exile (where is the punishment?) and now all races are okay being allies?

What kind of mind switch happened to these people that made them feel comfortable around each other?

Primalists as an enemy feel weak since we don’t really know them, they’re just enemies without a name, uninteresting.

Centaurs, gnolls, again boring. Fyrakk was okay, as just dummy super evil for the sake for being evil.

Again why do I care about going at war with the hyena race or the unknown primalists minions if the races and alliances that have killed us for decades are succeeding right now in front of us?

I’d actually be resentful at the dragons, weren’t they the power rangers of Azeroth? the super world police? and they didn’t act to stop things.

I just want good old war between Horde and Alliance, there is more to tell. Reignite the hate please.

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Excellent, you’re definitely the first person in history to point out that “war” is part of the word “warcraft” on this forum.

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Faction war was horrible in BfA. It wasn’t much better in Mists.

Your opinion on how it feels isn’t really relevant to my point, though.

The war exists. Player versus player has nothing to do with storyline war conflicts.


Queue for PVP. Your story is lived out in each moment of gameplay.



There’s always a loser in a war and when it involves player races, it means a player is now a loser. Just look at the number of posts about Teldrassil.

I can do without all that.


They got removed a long time ago and that was only because of the massive faction imbalance they all had. Blizzard should have simply restricted how many people could xfer off and on and how many toons could be made there on certain factions the way they used to.

Because the demand for it stopped.


The folks involved in the war all decided to sit down in the outfield and pick wild flowers.


War doesn’t always belong to the horde and alliance exclusively.


I’m fine with that but I draw the line at weaving them into crowns.