What happened to the UI and action bars?

I return after quitting for a long break at the end of Legion before the BFA pre-patch. And I log in to see the top action bar row is now split and part of the lower action bar off to the side and the bags are now a completely separate bar… this… is jarring as heck to look at and quite disturbing. I never used any UI addons before either … but… how do I fix this? Is there a way to restore the actions bars to the way they’ve been since FOREVER or are we stuck with this?

And if there isn’t a way, tell me there’s a mod that restores the normal look… I really can’t enjoy the game at all with this new layout, it’s like a child designed it.

Terrible, isnt it?
IDK why they changed it. I hate it.
There is a few addons though that bring back the old look. I use ‘ClassicUI’

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Try moveanything. You can use it to move and resize all of the ui elements. Works great for me.:grinning:

Is it? I’m so used to it I don’t remember how it used to be.


ClassicUI will give you everything you are looking for.

And DejaCharacterStats to get back the old statistics panel.

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I don’t see ClassicUI on Curseforge… i see some Improved Blizzard UI but I don’t think that’s the same or is it?

Get ElvUi. Or Shadowed Unit Frames. Definitely get Bartender, it will change your life.

The stock UI is dreadful and unwieldy.

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This change was made silently. It wasn’t asked for or wanted, short of a small minority that definitely wasn’t vocal.

It’s annoying, and it should have been possible to turn off. I’m used to it now, but I still don’t like it.

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THANK YOU, I’ma install that addon right now. I don’t know why Blizzard thought this was a good idea but the new way is ugly.

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I am over here thinking classic ui is one of the worst mmo UIs ive seen.

Akston how can you like the new BFA layout? it’s ugly on the eyes.

Mostly because I don’t use any default lay out to begin with. I find them all bad.

I use ElvUI

Making a UI has never been WoW’s strength.


Is there any way to fix the chatbox too? I recall you used to be able to scroll through it to see replies you missed and those arrows are definitely gone.

Also the glyphs are gone. I used to make Wraithwalk actually walk, now it floats again lol. A lot has changed…

I still don’t know how people play without Bartender. Keybinding is such a pain under the default UI / such a dream with Bartender.

Just get a UI addon and never look at the stock one again.

I tried bartender, didn’t like it at all. I use one called, Bindpad, I think. It allows me to keybind macros/abilities without putting them on an action bar. Cuts down on the amount of action bars needed by a ton.

How does this work? You bind it directly from the spellbook interface?

It has its own UI. You bring up the menu, place spells and/or macros in it. Give it a bind.

That’s really cool!