What happened to the in-game GMs

I remember a time when in-game moderators could actually provide help and assistance to reach a solution. There was almost no problem an in-game mod couldn’t help you with. Now all we get are automated responses, too bad it’s your problem, or sorry can’t help you here’s a list of possible references that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. We need better moderators, who actually care about the players or give moderators the power to take care of the players. This is getting sad and frustrating.

Edit: (In-game moderators) I mean GMS


i do wish we had them back but some players would abuse this gift by asking them to show up


Something happened a long time ago and that kind of changed.

I feel like now it’s more automated but in Shadowlands and more so in BFA, I had a few cool people help from Blizzard. Sure not showing up i n-game but they w hispered me in-game when I logged in to help me.

Now it’s like… [ticket, wait time, 17 days] lol


It’s waiting 17 days and getting told sucks to suck lol paraphrasing but basically.


Layoffs happened.


I’ll take your word for it, I usually give up after a day lol

I think Blizzard is really in tatters.


Well Bobby needed that seventh yacht.


Profit comes before pretty much everything these days, that’s why we have very little in the way of customer service peeps, they’d prefer we deal with a endless maze of self help articles that either help you solve your own problem, or make you give up in frustration and leave lol


Back when tickets were answered same day sometimes within an hour or 2. One time my hunter got stuck in a chimney in Stromgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands. Got my ticket answered and moved me a few feet over in 30 minutes.


First responses to tickets are oftentimes the first set of troubleshooting steps or articles to see if any of it can cover what’s going on: UI reset, check Wowhead, etc. Why? Prioritization. They want the guy who can’t log in or can’t make a purchase or is stuck with the “character already exists” to get back in the game, while the person who can still play, but can’t seem to get something to work in the interface checks the usual suspects.

You re-submit the ticket and they’ll get back to you.

If it’s a problem with a quest, you ask the CS forums, because GMs cannot help with game hits, aka quest advice or telling you where to go.

Also keep in mind that if you go to the website and can’t seem to find a way to submit a ticket for an issue, because it keeps sending you to articles… that’s usually because there’s nothing a GM can do for you in that instance and you should read the articles or ask the CS forums.

That’s the ticket queue time right now. It’s been between a couple hours and, at most, the next day. But usually same day recently.

If you exclude the automated responses, it’s been 2 days for my current ticket to get a legit response and it was just them apologizing that they do anything.

What was your issue? Did you ask the CS forums? And you can’t exclude ticket answers for times. You had responses prior to two days.

The “Prior” response was, the automated, here are some links. It was not an issue a forum response could fix. It would require a moderator.

I’m currently at 1 day 19 hours average wait time

CS can point you in the right direction, right ticket to file, etc. Or give you the information you need. There are no moderators, there are GMs. Moderators are on the forums. GMs are who answer tickets.

And average wait times are the estimated time for ALL tickets in the queue to be resolved. Not when they’ll get back to you.

Yes, I understand the difference between Gms and moderators which is why I stated in my original post “in-game moderators” didn’t need that explanation but appreciate it.

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There were never in game moderators. They were GMs.

You must be an excellent troll, I think everyone so far understood but you.


I’m giving you factual information, because there’s a huge difference between a GM and a moderator. There were never any moderators in-game. There were GMs in-game. That’s who you saw that would solve issues.

Facts aren’t trolling. Facts are for learning. If you don’t want to learn and you don’t want help, then you don’t need to reply to me any further. I came in here to give the facts on how things work, as I’ve been around the CS forums for quite some time now.

Okay, using the term GM or in-game moderator is irrelevant to the point of the post. If you want me to agree that I used an incorrect term and should have used GM instead sure. The majority of the people who read this post understood what I meant by the term “in-game moderator” except you for some reason you really need me to change my term, so ill do that for you.


It’s not about being right or wrong. It’s simply giving the factual information for others so that everyone understands and has a clear picture. There is a huge difference between the two. Ticket wait times aren’t what you think they are. Template tickets aren’t automated. These are all facts. For everyone to know.

Instead of taking offense, you could just either ask for help or stop spreading misinformation.