What happened to the Guardians of Hyjal?

According to datamined sources, Tyrande and the Night Elves are setting themselves on Nordrassil, Mt. Hyjal.

Considering Tyrande is still seeking revenge against Sylvanas and has also not completely forgiven the Horde, how would the Guardians react? Is she able to overrule them? Or did they side with the Alliance?


I just assumed that the Guardians gathered together to focus on Hyjal and once Cataclysm was settled with Deathwing’s death returned to their factions like Hamuul and Malfurion did, while leaving a skeleton crew to watch out for future threats.

It’s also possible many of it’s members are focusing on healing Azeroth like the Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle.


I dunno. But the Guardians of Hyjal are pretty much specific to one zone, if that zone finds its way to becoming a new racial capital, then just let that faction become Alliance aligned. No reason there needs to be drama.

I don’t know too much about the guardians of Hyjal, but I assume they would just be fine with kicking the Horde out of Hyjal after Ragnaros has been defeated? I mean the Horde burned down Teldrassil along with almost all of the Night Elf population and occupied their lands, so they do need a new home now. I’m also sure the Night Elves of the guardians of hyjal wouldn’t be too happy hearing what the horde did to their brothers and sisters.
If the remaining Night Elves were to resettle to hyjal, it’s obvious that the Horde would have to leave it / be kicked out of it for it to work.

Just my guess, though.


This explains a lot.

We saw Tholo and Anren together still in Mount Hyjal during the Heart of Azeroth quest chain, so it’s pretty safe to say at the least that the Guardians of Hyjal are still stationed at Hyjal, and Malfurion is still their leader. Malfurion was also the one that sent Cenarion Circle members down to Silithus before the War of the Thorns even happened in Before the Storm.


What does it explain exactly?

Because I’m going to be honest, unless you finish that thought, it looks like you’re taking a petty swipe at a poster you don’t like by quotemining half a sentence that you think makes her look bad.


care to explain me then? How would they react if Tyrande wants to resettle her people there? I thought Hyjal used to be a night elf zone.


It still is a Night Elf zone. It’s always been a Night Elf zone. Even after Warcraft III the Alliance and the Horde left and the only ones that stayed to restore the mountain were the Night Elves and some Tauren that were so impressed by Malfurion that they wanted to stay and learn Druidism from him.

How would the Guardians of Hyjal react to Tyrande bringing the refugees from Teldrassil to Mount Hyjal? They’d probably welcome them home.

If you haven’t done the Catalcysm era questing for Mount Hyjal, though, I highly recommend it, and the follow up story quests that are unlocked by doing the Molten Front dailies, and then you’d see the Night Elves winning and gaining things for once.


Well my point was that the Horde had access to Hyjal in Cataclysm. Do they not have that anymore? If the Night Elves were to resettle there, it would be necessary to keep the Horde out of Hyjal and deny their access to it.

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Horde players had access to Mount Hyjal. The Horde had no settlements or army forces in Mount Hyjal during Cataclysm. Mount Hyjal was not like Dalaran.


This is a more interesting mechanical question than lore question. The Guardians of Hyjal are basically just the Cenarian Circle, same leadership, same goals, same themes. The only reason they exist as a separate group is that Cataclysm was designed with separate zone based reputations for players to grind.

The Horde has no in story presence in Mount Hyjal. As players the Horde needs to be able to visit the Night Elf capital and do Mount Hyjal questing, so you create an interesting mechanical problem with phasing. But eh, with flying mounts its not like we can’t already bypass city defenses.

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You do see some orc pilgrims making their way to Goldrinns (Lo’gosh) shrine during questing there in Cata. Only to be captured by the Twilights hammer.

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One Orc, any way, Takrik Ragehowl. Given that King Varian was Goldrinn’s champion at the time, though, and even went by Lo’gosh, I don’t think Takrik Ragehowl was a usual Orc.

The Guardians of Hyjal are Night Elves and Tauren, mostly Night Elves though so it shouldn’t be a problem. In ant case Hyjal is Kaldorei land so there for any unhappy Guardians can either get in line or get out. That will probably have to be stationed near the Gates of Sothonn (sp) anyway as most of the upper areas will be used for settlements.

They were just a game mechanic for faction based loot. Or if you insist on a story, the Guardians disbanded with the death of Ysera.

Or the Battle of Azeroth set the Kaldorei and the Tauren on opposite sides of the war which pretty much ended the order.

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The Guardians of Hyjal did not disband, nor did the Night Elf and Tauren members oppose each other as, once again, Tholo and Anren together still in Mount Hyjal during the Heart of Azeroth quest chain.


Maybe, but who cares… they never were of any moment, and with Ysera gone, so did much of their relevance.

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In Stormrage Ysera had said Malfurion had surpassed her any way. Neither the Cenarion Circle nor the Guardians of Hyjal are diminished from the loss of Ysera. Especially not with Cenarius and the other Ancient Guardians back.

Interesting. I stand corrected.

Still, I think that presence is small enough that we would not feel cheated if the Guardians of Hyjal who weren’t also members of the Cenarian Circle decided to become town guards in New Darnassus.

If you’re honestly worried about parity, we’ll take Uldum, you can use your new friends in the Guardians of Hyjal to get playable dryads, and we’ll take playable Tol’vir.

Only if we got the tall versions from Northrend. Not those little wimps in Ashenvale.