What happened to the Guardians of Hyjal?

If you want to be unable to enter most buildings, I’m down.

I’m okay with that. Dryads don’t like buildings that much anyway.


I respect your commitment to the character.


It’s probably just like the CC, given their commitment to nature they’re probably more than happy to look the other way for the Night Elves given what the Horde did to Teldrassil and Darkshore. Even races from the Horde would likely balk at their actions.


The Guardians of Hyjal is a neutral organization. Pretty much a branch of the Cenarion Circle. They wouldn’t turn away refugees in need of a home.

Even the tauren members are likely to accept the night elves with open arms and let them settle there. As Amadis points out we see night elf and tauren druids still working together during the Heart of Azeroth quest chain.

Only issue I see is that the Well is particularly dangerous right now, but we team up with Aviana to quell it so maybe that issue is resolved.

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Avianna is a queer bird. at first she’s presented as the guardian of flying things, her tree Ghan’ir was the basis for the Restoration Druid artifact weapon, and now she’s replaced Ysera as the porch contact at Nordrassil.

Well, she’s always been the patron of the Druids of the Talon. I imagine she’s always been one of the more likely wild gods to work with mortals. She’s just had a bad case of the dead for the last 10,000 years.

Now if only she can get her daughters to chill out we could get playable harpies.


It always occured to me that the Night Elves must have planted the Harpies on top of Teldrassil.

I’m pretty sure they just flew up there. Like the Harpies up on the Storm Peaks mountains.

And the firbolgs? You’re not going to sell me on the idea that they climbed the Tree. :slight_smile:

The furbolgs were friends/allies of the kaldorei. They only went nuts due to Xavius’ corruption. They were most likely invited up originally.


So might have been the Harpies… given their connection to Avianna and such. and the idea that they were descended from Night Elf women cursed by Queen Azshara.

If the Harpies were invited, they outstayed their welcome:

    I was dispatched with a small group of Sentinels here to protect the Oracle Tree from the harpies that have made nests all around the glade. Little by little we are trying to push them back.

I wish that were canon, but sadly that’s from the RPG.

Hopefully they change their mind on that at some point. I like Elven evolution charts.


The fact that Avianna herself is a Harpy has to mean something.

I knew I had this noted somewhere:

    Harpies believe that they are descended from female elves who betrayed Azshara, Sorceress-Queen of Kalimdor, and were transformed into hideous bird creatures as punishment.

World of Warcraft; The Roleplaying Game: Manual of Monsters, Page 55.

Maybe Elune slept with Ohn’ahra and Aviana is their child in the same way Cenarius and the Dryads and the Keepers of the Grove look like Night Elves.


I like elven evolution charts too. I really hoped we would get more lore for sirens out of curiosity about whether they’re related to harpies or naga or night elves.

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They wouldn’t have a choice in the matter. Cenarion Circle/Guardians of Hyjal, along with Hyjal itself belong to Night Elves. Tauren being close friends with Nelves are allowed to be a part of it but it doesn’t mean that Tauren can kick elves out if they feel like it.

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The night elves don’t own the Cenarion Circle. Malfurion leads it, but it isn’t like Tyrande has authority to order tauren druids around.

Not that it matters because no druid would see fit to turn away night elven refugees after what happened. They don’t need to be forced to lend aid.

Honestly the Guardians of Hyjal were just a way to time-gate certain Firelands raid rewards by having us earn reputation with the Shadow Wardens and Cenarion Circle again (along with the latter’s Ancient allies.)

It wasn’t really a standalone faction with its own priorities and allegiances. Presumably what “happened” to it is that it’s still doing what it always did before and during the events of Cataclysm as the Cenarion Circle and Shadow Wardens. Just like how the Ashen Verdict isn’t a “thing” any more; it just went back to being the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade operating as they previously did.

Of course Night Elves own the Cenarion Circle. It was a Night Elf exclusive group until Tauren were allowed in. I mean, Malfurion is leader of both Cenarion Circle and the rest of the Night Elves. He just happens to share leadership with Tyrande in regards of non druid affairs.
Lucky for other races that Malfurion is such a peaceful guy. Otherwise Cenarion Circle would not be that neutral.