What happened to the Gnomes' Smiles?

It’s actually extremely upsetting that Gnome females have permanent resting b—h face.


people complained because every single face was super smiley and happy.

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I liked the kind of psychotic smiley face they had. Then they took it away and I lost interest in having a female gnome.


Yeah, gnomes are the race I miss the old models on the most. I like old NE females better too. They really need better expressions for all the races.


I am only interested in the look of horror as I slowly lower them kicking into a vat of boiling oil. After dipping them in beer batter first of course. mmm beer battered gnome bites. Sounds delicious!

Looking at some of the old Gnome models, none of them have smiles. All of their lips are flat as a board on the ends. I think you must be thinking of the faces themselves, and not any kind of smile.

This is the only face that vaguely looked like a smile :slight_smile:

Was there a model update between Vanilla and what we have currently? I seem to remember different ones that what I’ve seen on Classic for different races.

I don’t believe so, but that one I took a picture of is basically the ugliest face of the old female Gnome models. The old models didn’t really smile much more, but they did generally look more cheerful(the newer models look more cheerful, but only in emotes and such).

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What smile? Can’t even see the face here!


Their smiles are creepy. It was hard to find a face I could live with for mine.

Yes I can, your face looks liek: :open_mouth:


Yeah, resting habutai* face.

(*Hawaiian pidgin)

We all have that face, imo.

Delete this.

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Early WoD beta had faces with permanent smiles on them.

While they were a bit unnerving, I’d prefer them to the grumpy faces we have now.


Terrorist, he’s terrorizing me.

Oh, THOSE models. I was just Googling them for reference and it’s funny how everyone was calling them creepy. I guess maybe an in-between? lol

The one of the right is nightmare inducing. She looks like she might be eating any children that step on her lawn hahaha