What happened to sever resets?

So is 2am.

I also feel confident that the venn diagram of “high school aged kid” and “plays WoW specifically at 9am on a Tuesday” overlap will be small enough to have zero impact on forum complaints.

You’d be surprised how lively it is at 2am.

no, they don’t have a good point.

blizzard know when the servers have the least traffic.
(but this was already explained, and you chose to overlook it, and be dramatic)


And that, my good sir, is why I have mine.

Not that I’m actually scared of getting shot at. Live in fear or just grab life by the horns. I prefer the latter.

The most likely answer is Blizz doesn’t want to pay: OT, a shift differential, or both.

Halp! This ain’t right!

And people dont want to work that shift one night a week.

I mean as long as they are consistent I don’t care. Weren’t servers up last week really fast? I guess I don’t see it as a big deal.

And you will pay them to play the game anyway.

Its a good day to go clean your computer out…open up the case…get some canned air and dust out the dust and spiders in there…shake and vacuum your keyboard…clean up your desk area…wipe down the monitor… get your sticky fingerprints off the monitor screen…go update your addons…

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Blizzard fired a lot of staff and a lot of experience left after RTO was mandated.


I am not sure any had anything to do with this though.

They’re gunna do what they do.
Either way some players are going to get outraged others are not.

And throwing in yesterday was a holiday, really doesn’t surprise me that we have a 4 hour round today.

I was just adding on. Why come in at midnight to run maintenance when you suffer 0 consequences from doing it during normal work hours?

You’re going to live. You’ll be alright.

Probably because they want to avoid the much worse consequences from making people regularly work over night one night every week? When the flip side is a very minor downside.

I could go on an entire speech on why kids shouldn’t have access to weapons but I’m gonna stop this tangent here.

People are suffering from a terminal case of being chronically online. Nothing going on in life that the one dopamine line causes mental distress.

Guess those snowflakes workers didn’t want to catch cooties from other workers…and I find it damn silly those workers thought they would be able to stay perm out of working in their offices again cause of the Covid bug…Blizzard and many other companies don’t spend millions on a bldg to let them sit idle and not be used.