What happened to my Honor Points

Hello, not sure where to post this. I just logged into this character after a couple months away to find my honor points are now at 0. I had over 8,000 honor points on this character since most of my leveling was in battlegrounds. Can someone tell me what happened to my honor points.

Are you returning after the reset happened for The War Within launch?


So it appears all my time was wasted. All honor reset to 0. If I would have known it was going to be reset I could have spent it before taking a break. Way to go Blizzard!!!

Happens at the end of every season and definitely at the start of every xpac. This shouldn’t be a surprise.


All currencies, other than Gold, get depreciated at the end of an expansion. They either become worthless in new content or just reset to zero, like honour.

Without those refreshes, newer players would be constantly behind without any way of really catching up. It would also cause players to just hoard stuff and then not engage with the newer content.

It’s a necessary evil really.