Logged into retail and all my toons are gone along with saying free trial stating i dont have a sub but i can log into classic fine
Same here I just logged in and everything is gone
On my main Bnet, my main WoW account disappeared about an hour ago.
something screwy going on today, lol
Well that’s a horrifying problem.
Your menu above the play button was changed to something else.
Check this post in Customer Support, there are various solutions shown:
On your battle net application, make sure under ‘game version and account’ above the play button is selected to have the correct account.
For me, I have:
-WoW1 (US) Starter Edition
-WoW2 (US) Dragonflight
Hope it solves the problem, if not, I’m afraid it’s an issue I’ve never heard or seen before.
or if you got the expansion it would be
wow 1 the war within
wow 2 starter
checked that but with what happened with the COD servers yesterday its probably happening here but its not happening to almost everyone like COD did.
let me change to one of my toons in forum so i guess its the cod thing again
I just had this problem. the battlenet client wouldn’t allow me to select between my wow1 and wow2 accounts. I simply closed and reopened the application and the option was above the play button like normal.
Restart your launcher.
I had this happen and ended up having to remove the starter edition. Whatever that did fixed the association with my account and all went back to normal.
It happened to me as well. I had to log out of the launcher and restart it to finally get it fixed. Make sure your game version & account on the launcher is correct.
this fixed the issue
Yea when I saw that I thought I got falsely perma banned got scared a little.
All my dragonflight license were not visible.
You were deleted for being a bad boy. Devs don’t perma ban people anymore, they just make you have to work for everything all over again. Makes it easier on them. Kek.