What happened to Ignore User feature?

I can’t find a block or ignore feature anywhere. Has it been removed? If so, I would greatly appreciate it being added back as a feature.

I’m hoping that it was just accidentally overlooked, or even better, that it’s currently available and I was just unable to locate it.


One of the CS Blues addressed that here:

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They’re working on adding it. Go easy on them, it’s hard to add a feature that’s only been a staple on every forum for the past 20+ years. Remember, they’re a small indie company.


Seriously! I was just about to post about this. I’m seeing several people who I have ignored. Its so tiring coming to the forums and seeing these shills. smh :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: fun tidbit- yellowsnowfox was the first person I ever ignored.


It seems to be the going business model at Blizzard to send out half working content in all fields. First BFA is a wreck now the forums are halfassed.


So they went with the budget option for their new forum site, instead of saving even more money by sticking with the fully fledged version they already had.


How much of a tedious time-gated forum grind do we have to trod through to unlock the ignore feature then?

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Good. At present, all you can do is “mute” notifications from a given player. Glad to see the “ignore player” feature will return, especially since you no longer can skip pages at a time, but have to scroll through an entire thread. :frowning:

Glad to hear it’s been acknowledged as an issue. I’ve seen multiple posts from people I’ve had on ignore. The first posts I’ve seen from them reminded me why I’ve had them on ignore.

Hope this is patched soon, and not pushed to the back burner for the next 9 months.

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