What happened to Horde vs Alliance?

So the Orcs that were on our side were somehow genetically less evil?


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Good luck with that with Disn-err I mean Blizzard’s carebear version of wow we have now


No - all orcs baseline is to be genocidal warmongers and it doesnt take much for them to tip over the edge.

This has been shown to be the case countless times. Horde orcs were practically salivating during Sylvanas war speech

If I wanted an eternal red-vs-blue faction war, I could just turn on the news.

My fantasies these days are more about people putting aside divisions to work together.

Animal Crossing and Hello Kitty are over there. :point_right:


You want the game to decline despite having witnessed how much damage BfA has done?

We are all friends now. Rather than For the Alliance or For the Horde. Its “For Love and Family.”


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Why would i want Alliance vs Horde again? All the lore creators and story writers from that era are long gone. To want this new group of pathetic writers to make Orcs vs Humans again in wild.

What damage?
BFA was awesome!

(except for pve)

It doesn’t work because it’s either a perpetual conflict, or no one can win, otherwise you’re screwing over half your customers.

Besides, talk to Turalyon during the final campaign of TWW. He says the peace between A and H is more tenous than it appears. So maybe something will break out.

Maybe that’s part of Xal’atath’s scheme, to get us to fight again, but we haven’t gotten there yet?

As someone that has been Horde since vanilla. I unironically want the Horde to be cartoonishly evil. I want things that would be so absurdly offensive to any normal person they might faint out of shock, to be completely normal within the horde. Cooking and eating Alliance children infront of their parents should be a daily morning routine of any Horde player.


BfA destroyed the faction system, which is why we have cross faction now. Have you already forgotten? We farmed Alliance-players left and right, which caused a negative feedback loop and spiraled down to the raiding scene. ~70% Horde-players, with Alliance-players leaving for the Horde. Those constant “we cannot recruit ppl”-postings are still in my mind.

The reason we see now “Stoneform OP plz nerf” is the direct cause of how dominant Horde was. Blizzard was forced to introduce the system, because the minority group was almost at the end, and now they serve as Horde-supplement characters in our guilds. If you want so, so baldy a faction conflict, then just play pvp and war mode.

+1 for fem orc supremacy. Tauren in plunderlord also looks perfect.

yep its the super friends teaming up again not a whiff of faction war. BFA probably the last faction war xpac we will ever get.

I remember it, but how does that relate to the story?

First and foremost, cross-faction is a game feature that, strictly speaking, should have been included with WotLK. The PC is essentially a mercenary, and neutral factions have always existed to facilitate cooperation. That’s the way we should play together.

If people dislike blue vs red because it reminds them of real-life conflicts, they should avoid playing wargames.

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The faction was caused a massive backlash, which is the reason game director Ion Hazzikostas officially acknowledged that there will be no more faction war. It was massive, nobody was enjoying the forced storyline right after Legion, where the whole word and every important character came together to stop the Legion.

I do agree, but you haven’t witnessed war close by, haven’t you. It’s always fun until it gets real very quickly. Ukraine can sing a lot about this song.

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Which is exactly why most story driven games have a faction dynamic of some kind in them. Because conflict makes for intrigue which makes for a story to tell. These things are fun to engage in within a safe virtual environment. This always carries over to RTS/Strategy games as well.

Skyrim? Factions

Fallout? Factions

Total War? Factions

What is WoW? A story driven game that was created based on the story of a RTS.

If people don’t like that they should play other games. :slight_smile:


And yet we had almost 20 years of “war” and nothing significant happened but an almost wipe out of a player race. That’s why people also want to get rid of it and removing the faction conflict was the right decision to make by the developers.

The backlash had to have a hidden impact on sales or player rendition that they distanced themselves from going forward with it.

Or, now hear me out, a vocal minority of people begged them to do something that would allow them to cut development costs.

So they did it.

What’s more likely? That Night Elves were dangerously close to being eliminated as a playable race because the story had developed a mind of its own and couldn’t be controlled anymore?

Or that Blizzard saw an opportunity to cut costs during a rough patch and took it?