What happened to Horde vs Alliance?

The faction conflict was lame. It felt so forced and tacked on. It always came back to us putting aside our differences and working together for the greater good. And in the wake of the fourth war it makes narrative sense that we would finally make it official and sign an armistice.


yeah, that one sucks. Ive wanted to thank a player for their help a few times on alliance, but obviously cant.


I want to heal EVERYBODY!


Personally, the alliance and horde bickering and fighting between a constant stream of world ending catastrophes is just silly and doesn’t make sense.


Not really as they tend to be Alliance focused.

Of course you would assuming you main Alliance you weren’t the one getting pushed into the mud and constantly being kicked and beaten (metaphorically speaking) during every single war campaign.

And previous ones weren’t? WoWs plot has always been lame poorly written garbage that just gets retconned whenever the devs feel like it.

I much prefer what we have now with geyarah and turalyon on the beach bickering endlessly about who’s better to the point that even the rock person is like “omg shut up who caresssssssss”


Yeah my war within would have been Anduin getting mind controlled because he’s pretty weak and then he backstabs thrall and that starts the WAR!

Don’t forget the part where the shady evil was only doing it to save us from an even bigger, shadier evil.

We need some new storylines.

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OMG SAME! I can’t tell you how many times someone was tanking in a world quest, and their health was low, but they were horde. /sigh

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Yes, but not from a lore or gameplay point of view, but more that not having to create separate Alliance and Horde quest hubs, FPs, and NPCs in every location saves time and effort, and makes it easier to advance the story.

That’s probably why the zones these days are smaller - you don’t need to make room for two entirely different quest lines.

And anyway, when the truce finally breaks, as truces often do, with any luck it will be epic, but in a good way.

Yes, because Horde always ended up with the short end of the stick. That after nearly 20 years Blizzard has no more leaders left to needlessly kill for the sake of “plot”

Faction conflict can comeback whenever it wants, but I hope Alliance starts seeing some Leaders dropping. Tyrande would’ve been a fantastic start 3 expansions ago.

We almost went 8 hours without a new post about this… new record? …

i prefer what we have now to the endless contrivances that were vanilla-bfa

So who posted a youtube video about this to stir it all up again?


Ambivalent… The Horde vs. Alliance Wars were pretty forced and not well written or portrayed in the game.


I remember a youtbe video saying that the war is coming back, but the playerbase will be keeping the ability to play together, regardless of faction.

far as i am concerned, the concept of horde v alliance died the moment they offered faction change services. now players just stack whatever side has the best racials. there really is no such thing as faction loyalty no more thanks to this.

Horde lost again. Im sure they will revert back to their usual ways in due time though

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nope. i mean, i was hoping for a ceasefire so i could play crossfaction with my buddies. or atleast to have an opt-in/opt-out nuetral faction we could play together on.

instead, i got a bunch of soft, wimpy, soft, pointless, weakwilled, mushy, crap stories. if i had to compare this to anything, the stories are like mushy oatmeal. no flavor, you don’t wanna eat it, and yet you have to cause it’s the only thing left in the pantry.