Same about missing the faction war, people complained and now we get one singular story instead of two that intertwine with each other.
To me, the faction war is integral to WoW’s indentity as a game. (Also because I’m a PvPer)
Original Warcraft 1? About Orcs vs. Humans.
Warcraft 2? Same thing, ramped up even more.
Warcraft 3? Night Elves, Humans, and Orcs/Horde vs. each other, they unify (once!) to beat the Burning Legion, and later the Scourge is formed and tries to fight the Burning Legion for dominance over the planet.
The Horde is formed, as is the modern Alliance.
Fighting ensues in the background.
WoW comes out, Vanilla is about where Warcraft 3 left off- Alliance and Horde fighting over contested territories. And it just continues from there.
I feel like a part of WoW’s soul is missing, when Horde and Alliance aren’t being rivals and are just friendly with each other.
That’s just not the Warcraft I grew up playing.
That being said, cross-faction groups aren’t really an issue, I just miss the story plot points of Alliance vs. Horde.
From a gameplay perspective, it’s fine. I still PvP so the faction war never ended from my PoV, it’s just not acknowledged in story any longer.