What happened to Horde vs Alliance?

I’d rather they throw out the “will they won’t they” altogether and just focus on making a better story for everyone. There’s no plot left to get out of the faction conflict, if it’s a morally neutral war over resources it’s boring, and the “someone gets too power crazy and turns fully evil” story was already beyond exhausted before Sylvanas decided to take a crack at it

This is Warcraft, not Alliance vs Hordecraft. Let us war with actual threats instead of having constant slap fights with people who are just trying to live different from us


Me! I was pretty much done with the silly horde vs alliance war in Wraith after the horde attacked the alliance for having a warlock in Trial of the Crusader

It just highlighted how silly the whole thing was

Not to mention the benefit of having more players to play with and more races available to everyone


The game is so different that I don’t really associate it with the faction war anymore. For me retail and classic are two different games, and the faction war just doesn’t seem like a thing in retail.

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I don’t. It was a meme that every other expansion was going to be the same played out ‘faction war’ that went nowhere and changed nothing except which NPC sat in the middle of Org.

Yeah, that’s never going to happen. Having one faction be objectively evil was never part of the plan.


When the horde and the alliance became playable factions at the same time the writing was already on the walls.

The alliance would definitely score the victory at this point, they are just more powerful overall, the problem is that this is not gonna happen because it would be kinda like removing a faction from the game.

This is exactly why I think the story in BFA was a really bad idea, because there was no way to make a story that made sense without one side annihilating the other for good this time. Especially after legion. Nobody was saying that the horde and the alliance should have held hands together and dance, there could have still been skirmishes, especially between the more zealous members of the horde and alliance etc etc… But you can’t just commit the burning of teldrassil and walk away almost Scot free.

Let’s be real, that would have resulted in total war and annihilation of one of the 2 factions, not necessarily the complete destruction, but one of the two factions would have been decimated to almost nothing, either extinct or almost. And since the alliance is more numerous, and has everything the horde has, but better, or more or both, the most logical conclusion would have been that alliance wins, it’s the remaining faction and the losers what remains of them would have been either killed if they didn’t surrender, or forcefully integrated or imprisoned if they surrendered.

And no, the excuse of, it wasn’t the horde but Sylvanas just doesn’t stick, it’s like when certain people whom I probably can’t name here said “I was just following orders” no, you knew what you were doing. This kind of bs would never fly, people wouldn’t accept such a garbage cop out.

Ps: this is just an example to explain the logic behind this, it’s not meant to incite any kind of real political discussion. It’s just here to explain a point.


It’s a good way to put it.
I’m not overly familiar with WC3 but I know right at the beginning in 2004, Horde were written not as “evil” or “chaos” but as the races who were looking for a place in the world - even the undead got that backstory.

It was described as a “fragile truce”.

But now we have pragmatic considerations come into effect, the playerbase has been evolving over the 20years, constantly more conveniences are introduced and friction is removed.
Players get frustrated when there are not enough people to fill the queue to do the thing, or their friend is on the wrong server/faction

We are at the point there are cross faction guilds. It’s just not something that can be put back in the bottle.

It would be beyond silly to watch the epic cinematic of the “The two sides are at all out war” - followed by your cross-faction guilds message of the day to go into dungeons together.

But all is not lost. If you did not play WoW Classic go make a character there, and make it on a PvP server!

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I’m pretty sure it was Alliance Vs The Horde. buncha bullies.

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HvA goes nowhere in-game because it can’t without upsetting the narrative balance. I’d rather we be at peace/detente than have Blizzard attempt to justify why another faction war would end in a statemate or status quo ante bellum, even when “realistically” it wouldn’t.

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If they use new characters involved but often they’d kill them before any tension cooks. :memo::robot:

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Why bother? When we have a faction war it always plays out the same way. Horde evil, do bad things. Alloance spanks us and tells us to be good or they’ll kill every man, women, and child of the races they don’t like. It’s the same song over and over and over again.

Yhe only way it would be interesting is in the Alliance were the clear cut bad guys for once. That would be new and exciting. But they won’t, because they only see the Horde as evil and Alliance as good. It could be so much more.

Orcs have lived in peace with the land for millenia and with the draenei for thousands of years. The tauren are peaceful by nature. Vulpera are fluffy good boys who love alpacas. Name one evil person who loves alpacas.

Humans can and do evil things in game. Why pretend that their leaders would always make the right decisions?

Until they step out of that box, the faction war will always be more of the same and that’s boring.


Same about missing the faction war, people complained and now we get one singular story instead of two that intertwine with each other.

To me, the faction war is integral to WoW’s indentity as a game. (Also because I’m a PvPer)

Original Warcraft 1? About Orcs vs. Humans.

Warcraft 2? Same thing, ramped up even more.

Warcraft 3? Night Elves, Humans, and Orcs/Horde vs. each other, they unify (once!) to beat the Burning Legion, and later the Scourge is formed and tries to fight the Burning Legion for dominance over the planet.

The Horde is formed, as is the modern Alliance.

Fighting ensues in the background.

WoW comes out, Vanilla is about where Warcraft 3 left off- Alliance and Horde fighting over contested territories. And it just continues from there.

I feel like a part of WoW’s soul is missing, when Horde and Alliance aren’t being rivals and are just friendly with each other.

That’s just not the Warcraft I grew up playing.

That being said, cross-faction groups aren’t really an issue, I just miss the story plot points of Alliance vs. Horde.

From a gameplay perspective, it’s fine. I still PvP so the faction war never ended from my PoV, it’s just not acknowledged in story any longer.


Last time we had faction conflict, the Horde got hit with the villain bat(again) and the Alliance got hit with the stupid bat(again), so yeah, I do prefer storylines where there is no actual faction divide.

Faction Conflict in WoW storylines have historically been “Fight against each other > Bigger enemy shows up > Horde and Alliance team up > kill big bad > Remain on friendly terms until next xpac where they find a reason to fight again > Repeat”


We still have conflict. We still have our side and their side. The difference is that with Alliance v Horde players can be on one side or the other. However when Alliance and Horde are fighting together against someone else, like the Legion, the Jailer, the Primealists, etc, we only get to fight one side, not both.

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The orcs were manipulated by kil Jaden because they were kinda dumb honestly, they drank demon blood got a powerboost, went through the dark portal and started killing people on azeroth.after a while they destroyed they own planet using the scepter of sargeras, the horde in warcraft were definitely veering towards the side of evil. In fact I would straight up say that they were villains.

Oh they also decimated the draenei who were just minding their own business for the same reason they went along with kil Jaden and Gul Dan plan, because the orcs were just kinda stupid and easily manipulated. In fact it was part of kil Jaden’s plan

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We don’t need to have a faction divide.

Most horde do not want anything do with alliance. We want our share of Azeroth.

We could easily create a scenario with external threat and bake a faction war.

Loads and loads of players will come back running. :running_man:

There is still Legion ?

We are only fighting the minions of Void.

Loads of options for Blizzard to chose. The real question is should we do it now or let the Traitor Thrall cook more.

I would go with :popcorn: let him cook.

As Garosh Hellscream said : Thrall is a coward.

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  • We team up and take down a big bad.
  • Alliance helps Rebels take down the Horde
  • The rest of the Horde start open rebellion against the leader of the Horde
  • The leader of the Horde slowly goes insane and bigoted
  • Alliance retaliates with military action
  • Horde commits war crimes by slaughtering cities full of people (Theramore and Teldrassil)

There. I’ve written a new and original faction war story.
:point_up::pensive: :smoking:



That’s true Just look to the suramar plot repeat like on revendrerh and now with the nerubians.
People suffer, leader make a pact with a shady evil to survive, rebelión from other leaders, player chacarter save the day

Horde V alli is old and boring. Let us cross faction open world content, already!


maybe but whats more lame is milking out a dead ‘war’ for another 20 years instead of finding new enemies to fight.


I don’t pvp anymore so I don’t really care but if they’re going to merge horde and alliance, they need to remove the language barrier.

Especially if this is how it’s going to be for the foreseeable future.