What happened to flying?

Thank you for being helpful to the OP and not the dirtbag jerk that some others were.

Not sure why they felt the need to make skyriding the default for all mounts when it should have been the other way around. Players that have been gone for awhile are going to be just as lost as the OP was.


if people want to know what’s going on after a major patch, they need to do at least one of those things.

…unless they like floundering in the dark.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but there are people out there like that. My husband works 50+ hours a week, plus travel time. He only has so many hours in a day for gaming, and he’s not going to spend that time reading patch notes generally, much less forums. I’m his gaming guru. LOL


Not talking about swapping. Reading comprehension fail.

What a bunch of aholes… op asks a simple question and you all skewer him. Go touch grass aholes, meet real people and treat them how you treat people here… see how long it is before you’re punched in the face.


I think they’re pointing out that you won’t have the button until level 20, because you can’t fly until level 20.

you can fly at level 10… Skyriding is auto learned at 10. We have been able to dragonride/skyride at 10 since remix started.

TBC flying isn’t Skyriding. I know it’s pedantic, but you get access to flying at level 20

OP is not talking about TBC flying. Stick with the conversation.

what is tbs?

and why are you so grumpy?

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Yes, they are, they want to go back to it and not use Skyriding.

You don’t get access to Steady Riding (TBC Flying) until level 20…


Typo Fixed. If correcting misinformation and providing correct info is grumpy, then guilty.

Any other reason seen is a you problem interpreting my text responses as my actual mood.

No they are not… They already can fly normally in Orgrimar. when they go to dragonflight they say they cant… Again keep up with the conversation.

That’s not what they say, you even quoted it.

I’ve jumped on a level 10 toon. It has Skyriding, but not the ability to switch to Steady Riding. Simply because Steady Riding isn’t learned till level 20.

That it appears to have broken for the OP when they haven’t been to Dragonflight, seems like a bug, but we’re still talking about TBC flying.

So, I am. And this seems unnecessary.


at this point, you’re just being rude.

…or are taking it upon yourself to find things to be offended over.

people are being helpful by attempting to explain the ins and outs of the entire gamut of flight, in order to help the op.

there’s no reason to get snippy at people.

which misinformation?

people ARE providing the right information, and you keep trying to correct them with misleading info

how is that helpful to anyone?


Truly. Pressing one button (or LEARNING SOMETHING NEW?!?!?!! THE HORROR?!?!?!?!) is beyond the mental capabilities all of but the most hardened intellectual elite.

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No in-game warning though, which is what matters.


I don’t have flying either. And thank you for pointing out all the sarcastic replies to an honest question. I will do more poking around but I encourage people to be helpful instead of insulting people who are looking for help and advice.


Thank you to everyone who replied kindly. Having stepped away from the game for so long i was not caught up on all the new lingo which made it hard to follow all the other forum posts. I think I understand now (even though i am still missing skyriding on all characters but my TW) and I am hoping its just a bug as when I jumped on my TW character it does show my skyriding but not a toggle to change to steady (yet somewhere in the middle of me skyriding, I converted to steady flight and now can fly regularly on that character albeit only in remix zone since im there until it ends and i convert to a standard player). Im just going to log out of the game and wait a day or so and see if it is a bug that its been fixed.


Yeah I read your post again and you are right.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: